The New Roommate,part 2

Written by: Scott McClenny

Scene 3:Cowboy Bill's a week later. Laverne,Shirley and Cindy are eating lunch together.

Cindy.It was really nice of you to invite me to have lunch with the both of you.

Laverne.Think nothin' of it.

Shirley.Our pleasure.

(Cindy gets up.)

Shirley.Must you go so soon?We barely got started!

Cindy.Well I should really start looking for work,don't want Laverne to think I'm a moocher,so I'd better go and clean up first.

(Heads for the women's room)

Shirley(looks at Laverne with the "Have I Got An Idea" look)


Shirley.But don't even know what it is yet!

Laverne.I know that look Shirl and that usually means that you've got one of them wild ideas of yours.

Shirley.Name one idea I had that ever went wrong.

Laverne.Ok,How's about the time we joined the Army.

Shirley.That was as much YOUR idea as mine.

Laverne.Well..alright.(Sighs)What's your idea this time?

Shirley.Why don't you ask your dad to give Cindy a job?

Laverne.Are you out of your cotton pickin' mind?Doncha remember what happened at the party?

Shirley.But she's such a sweet kid.

Laverne.Ok.I'll go talk to Cindy,an' you can talk to my Pop.

Shirley.Why don't you ask him,after all he's your father?

Laverne.But he listens to you more than to me!

(Laverne stands and exits)

End scene 3

Scene 4:Same in front of women's room.Laverne is standing in front of the door rehearsing what she'll tell Cindy when the door swings open right in her face.


Cindy.Hello?Anyone there?

(Turns and sees Laverne holding her nose)

Cindy.Gosh,Laverne what happened to you?

Laverne.I dink I bloke my dose.

Cindy.Gee,I didn't know there was someone out there.I'm sorry. Here let's get some water on that.

Laverne.Neber min'.I jus' neeb ta ask ya a quesdion.


Laverne.Ho'd ya like ta work for my Pop?

Cindy.Gosh,Laverne you'd really think he'd hire me?

Laverne nods.

End scene 4

To be cont'd?

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