Written by: Scott McClenny

Scene:About ten minutes after part 2.

Shirley.I tell ya Laverne maybe we should try something else.

Laverne(smiling).Good.So no more trying to suck the notes to Lady of Spain on the ol' vacuum.

Shirley.Let's try instead Beethoven's Fifth.

Laverne.What?Are you nuts?On the vacuum?

The door knocks and Shirley goes to answer.

Shirley.At least we know it isn't Lenny and Squiggy.

Laverne.Yeah,they never knock!

The Beaver(Jerry Mathers grown up but with kid's voice).Have you seen Lumpy?

Shirley.Sorry little boy,who's Lumpy?

Beav.My bestest friend in all the world!He promised he'd meet me in Milwaukee and we'd go see the double feature at the Fister Theathre,The Mummy and The Rock Versus Godzilla!

Laverne.Ah!Why don't you wait here for him?

Beav.That's ok,I need to get going(looks at watch)or Miz Robinson won't let me back on her show.

The Beaver leaves.

Shirley.Does everyone have our address?

Laverne.How should I know?(starts on Beethoven's Fifth).

Enter Batman and Robin

Robin.Holy Criminal Lair Batman!

Batman.Yes,Robin it looks like we have stumbled across the lair of someone more devious than Catwoman,more evil than The Joker,more crooked than The Peguin, more sinister than The Riddler and more dastardly than Catwoman.

Shirley.'Scuse me but we aren't master criminals.

Laverne.Who was the one who got the jay-walking ticket?

Shirley.But there was a poor kitty up a tree!

Robin.Do you realize you mentioned Catwoman twice?

Batman.She's been on my mind latley.

Shirley.I resent being referred to as a Master Criminal.

Batman.Sorry,didn't mean you I meant, Interrupted as Lenny and Squiggy come in.


Batman.Quick Robin!

They chase the boys out!

Laverne.Now I've seen everything!

Or has she?

Will there be a part 4? Will there be an Amateur Hour?Will Shirley have to pay the fine for jay walking?Will it get any more bizaare?

Stay tune,
Same DeFazio time
Same DeFazio channel!

To be cont'd?

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