Season Eight:
By Missy

TITLE:  Rocketwoman

UNIVERSE/SERIES: Alternative Season Eight Universe

EPISODE: 2 of ??

RATING: PG (Adult thematic material, especially if you know what I mean by “tie”)

PAIRING(s): L/L; past - S/C; AS/RL; S/W

DISTRIBUTION: To LW, Kai, Myself and FG so far; any other archives are welcome to ask, but disclaimers must be included, my email left intact. send a URL, and provide full disclaimers as well as credit me fully. Please inform me if you are going to submit my work to any sort of search engine.  Please do not submit my work to a search engine that picks out random sets of words and uses them as key words, such as "Google"


Please contact me in order for this story to be placed on an archive, or if you want know of a friend who would enjoy my works, please email me their address and I will mail them the stories, expressly for the purpose of link trading. MiSTiers are welcomed! Please do inform me that you'd like to do the MiSTing, however, and send me a copy of the finished product. I'd also love to archive any MiSTings that are made of my work!

CATEGORY: Romance/Humor


SETTING IN TIMELINE: Replaced “Lost In Spacesuits” in continuity - takes place after “I Want To Know”.  in this alt continuity.

SPOILLER/SUMMARY: Lenny and Laverne move in together - mostly because Laverne's lost her job.  Can they withstand Frank's disapproval - and can Laverne cope with her new job?

NOTES: The second fic in an open universe which seeks to retell the events of season 8 through an L/L spectrum, and also to return Shirley to the canon.


Since Chuck was designed as a Lenny replacement (and in this universe, we don't need one), I've taken the liberty of slightly changing his character.  Rest assured, he's still a science geek - just a more serious about things.




"A little to the right...a little to the right...more...more....HOLD IT!"


On Laverne DeFazio's rigid command, Carmine Ragusa released the armchair, which promptly fell forward and squashed all of the toes on his left foot.  Cursing, he hopped around in an attempt to relieve the pain throbbing through him -  unsuccessfully.  Seeking relief, Carmine threw himself onto Laverne's couch.  As the pain receded, he heard the most mortifying sound - laughter.


Glaring up at a giggling Laverne, he asked, "you got anything else to move?  Or am I gonna leave this place with my bones intact?"


"Nah, everything's perfect now," Laverne picked up a denim-covered beanbag chair and deposited it in the space Carmine had created.  She then stood back and admired the cozily romantic atmosphere they had created in the room.  Lenny's minimal furniture didn't crowd her own out - instead it made a quaint picture of a lived-in home.  His records cohabitated with hers, the boxing gloves he never used hung on pegs beside her green dice.  With a satisfied sigh, she sat down beside Carmine. "You want some ice for that toe?"


Carmine rubbed the tip of his big toe through his sneaker.  With grim amusement, he said, "I'm good.  I'm getting tired of getting hurt every time I go to your place, though!" he leaned back against the cushions, resting his head.  Carmine gave a forlorn look toward a pile of large cardboard boxes stacked on the landing.  Knowing it needed to go upstairs, he moaned.  "I didn't know Lenny even owned this much stuff!"


"Me neither - his place always looked empty to me.  Guess when you live out of boxes, it looks like you have less."  Laverne rubbed the bridge of her nose between her index and forefinger.  "Did I tell you what a disaster last night was?"


"Last night?  You were helping Lenny pack, right?"


"Yep.  Or, I tried to.  Before we were finished, Squiggy came home, took a look at what we had picked, and decided we were trying to take his stuff."


"That sounds right.  Isn’t Squiggy’s the one who handles their money?"


"Yeah, but he wanted the mousetraps."




"AND the cheese in them!"  Laverne shook her head.  "Lenny wouldn't fight him for anything.  Squiggy got to keep the TV and all of their inventions.  When he finally left for his date with Rhonda we started stuffing things into cardboard boxes and took them down here to avoid another fight," she watched Carmine's amused reaction to all of this and gave him a sour glare.  "I don't think Squig's taking Len's moving out too good.  This is his way of making him stay."


Carmine shrugged.  "I can imagine how he feels.  I know I'm surprised,  I never thought Lenny'd be the one to move out on Squiggy."


Laverne's posture changed slightly, showing her rigid pride.  "Goes to show you what you know, Carmine - He's changed a lot since we started dating four months ago."




"How?  Haven't you seen how independent he is?  Remember how he used to be afraid to go anywhere without Squiggy?  Heck, Len's out working his route by himself while Squiggy rounds up more clients for Squignowski.  That's why I'm the one moving his junk upstairs."


"Speaking of jobs, how's the search going?"


Laverne's expression showed indifference.  "Meh.  I've been out on six interviews since Bardwell’s laid me off, and I circled a couple of options in the paper this morning.  Turns out I can't type more than two words a minute, I don't like mice, and I'm too scrawny to be a hand model."


"Rough break," Carmine watched Laverne walk to the kitchen and open up the refrigerator, pulling out two bottles of Pepsi.  She tossed one to him and sat down beside him again, twisting off the metal cap from hers.  Carmine quaffed half his drink, and then said, "Hey, Laverne, you know if things get really bad you can count on me, right?   If you can't find work anywhere else, I could get you a job with the singing telegram people."


Laverne's reaction showed cool amusement.  "Thanks, Carmine - too bad I can't sing."


"Hey - I'll sing and you can dance.  We'll be the first singing telegram double-act."


Laverne chuckled.  "If worse comes to worse, I'll start waiting tables  - for ANYONE but my Pop."


"You'd rather work for a stranger than Frank?  Why?"


Laverne's expression turned guilty.  "Pop ain't handling me and Lenny being together good.  He ain't threatening to crush Len's head like a can of beer anymore, but he's gone from being hostile to asking us when we're getting married.  I know Pop's never put me out, but taking his chaity'd make me feel like I had a debt to him.  Take it from a girl, Carmine, there ain't anything worse than feeling like you owe someone your first born!"


"Hey, it's better than being the last single guy in your group!"


"Since when does that bother you?"


Carmine stared at his bottle of Pepsi.  "When all your friends are 'a couple' it gets under your skin," he admitted.


Her witty retort was aborted as Lenny burst through the door, covered in chocolate sauce and sprinkles.  Staggering toward the middle of the room, he heedlessly dripped whipped cream from his shirt to her recently-washed floor.


"Hey Laverne - you got any spoons in these boxes?" Carmine snickered.


Laverne ignored him.  "What happened to you?" she inquired to Lenny, standing up and meeting him on the landing, then wiping away a blot of butterscotch from his left cheek.


Though still somewhat shell-shocked, Lenny managed to get out a few words.  "Six year olds - topping fight - yelling like Indians!"


"Poor baby," Laverne rubbed his shoulders.  "Go get into the tub - I'll put out some fresh clothes, get your things upstairs, then we'll go out for dinner."


He frowned.  "Aww - bath's ain't any fun unless someone's there to wash your back..."


Laverne grinned, a minxish look crossing her face.  Carmine mock-coughed, and her expression turned to disappointment.  "Later."




"You can wash my back when I take a shower.  That sound fair?"


His eyes brightened. "Okay - gee, I hope I packed my rubbed duck..."


Laverne chuckled as Lenny retreated to the bathroom upstairs.  "Okay, Carmine - I think I can handle it from here."


Carmine was obviously glad to be relieved of his duties.  "Not a minute too soon, 'cause  I got a hot date tonight."


"Oh yeah?  Actress?"


"Waitress.  My black book's starting to get thin.  All of the girls our age know what I'm about already, and there's not a lot of hot young foxes willing to be seen with an old man like me - or rather, an old man like me with no influence." Carmine's attempt at ruefulness didn't mask the genuine despair.


Laverne was determined to jolly him out of his bad mood.  "Too bad.  I hear actresses fake it the best."  And with that, Laverne left Carmine on her doorstep, open-mouthed but laughing.





A few minutes later, Laverne sat before her dresser, combing her hair and listening to Lenny splash about in their bathtub.  She never bothered to count the number of strokes applied to her poofy mane, unlike Shirley, who counted an even hundred strokes through her dark-brown pixie hairdo every morning since her ninth birthday.  And probably still did, even with her pregnancy and a household in Belize to oversee.  Pushing aside thoughts of Shirley - and the unanswered postcard she needed to respond to, momentarily forgotten in the upheaval of the last few months - Laverne began to re-apply her makeup.  She had her face on by the time Lenny exited the tub, and the sound of water draining filled the otherwise silent room.  Selecting a fresh pair of jeans and a red halter top, Laverne dressed, accessorizing with red seed bead earrings and a golden heart-shaped locket.  Glancing at the tanned, shaggy-haired woman in the mirror one last time, she wondered if she needed a makeover, then quickly rejected that prospect as vanity.  


Indifferent to herself, she flopped down on "their" bed - really, Shirley's twin pressed up against hers and made up with new queen-sized sheets and blankets.  The differences Lenny had made in her most intimate space were already evident.  Above her, slung over the rightmost bedpost by its strap, hung his guitar, her own slung over the opposing bedpost.  On the floor of her closet in neatly-folded (thanks to Laverne) piles were his minimal articles of clothing - well-worn tee-shirts, chinos, jeans, and a couple of button-down dress shirts - ready to occupy what was once Shirley's half of the closet.   Set upon her dresser was his cologne - a cheerfully abrasive and undeniably cheap musk - sat beside her perfume.  Jeffery and her stuffed poodle occupied the Spanish-style wrought iron chair her Pop had bought her in Mexico City at a corner of the room, adjacent to her large bay window, with Boo Boo Kitty's serene green gaze overlooking them all from her bookshelf.  Laverne didn't have the heart to send the stuffed cat back to Shirley quite yet - after all, he, Poo Poo Puppy and Jeffery made a charming threesome.  On the wall were her Fillmore High pennant and his Milwaukee Braves pennant, crossed together like swords, plus a few family portraits of hers - and one of the few family portraits Lenny had been able to successfully request from his father, an old, torn Sears portrait that showed him smiling beside his father and sister.  She noticed that his mother had been ripped out of the picture, whether by design or by choice.  In a tiny frame on the top of the bookshelf, propped against Boo-Boo Kitty's back, were two strips of photos taken in a booth on Coney Island - Laverne and Shirley, Lenny and Squiggy, Laverne and Lenny and Squiggy and Shirley...


Laverne leaned back, languidly, across the two beds, satisfied with the arrangement she had made of Lenny's possessions.  She pushed away the thought that they still had an entire living room and bathroom to organize.  The bedroom was perfect, and that was what was important....


Her thoughts were dissolved by a sudden loss in physical altitude.  Startled, Laverne struggled against the sudden collapsing - she was held up, however, like a woman in a hammock.  She quickly realized that she WAS hammocked - the beds had been pushed apart by her crawling, and she lay supported by the sheets.  Shirley would be pleased to learn that sheets folded with the hospital corner technique she had so vigilantly taught Laverne could withstand with weight of a human being.  Self-preservation kicked in - Laverne tried to struggle upward but could not loop her leg around the top of the bed.  She kicked against the air, trying to find support, hitting her beside lamp and wincing as it fell to the floor in a clatter. 


"Okay," she told herself, "you can do this, DeFazio.  One...Two...THREE!" She threw herself upward, but immediately sank back down.  She heard an alarming ripping noise.  "LENNY!"


"Waah?" He appeared above her, his hair dripping wet.  "Hey, that looks like fun!  Can I join you?"


"I ain't doing this for fun!  I'm stuck!"


Lenny had her up and on the bed in less then a second.  While Laverne regained her bearings, he shoved the beds back together with his knees.  Now that the world was right side up again, Laverne took notice of Lenny's appearance; he wore a towel and tee-shirt and nothing else.  When he began to rub his hair dry with a second towel, the slight shimmy of his body caused the one around his waist to droop lower and lower.  It was a delightful sight, and Laverne wasn't about to let him know what was going on until he could feel the breeze.  By the time Lenny did, he had already put on quite a show for her.


Laverne grinned. "Now that's a nice housewarming present."


Lenny covered himself quickly, his cheeks red with embarrassment.  "Gee, thanks, but what we need is a toaster."


"Toaster, smoster.  Feed me Sugar Pops every morning in that towel and I'll be happy."  Lenny towered over her, and Laverne felt puny sitting on the bed.  "Well, whatt're you doin' over there?"


Lenny slunk toward her very slowly, and then gingerly sat at the opposite end of the bed - then crossed his legs, attempting to preserve modesty.  Laverne crossed her own legs, dangling her feet in the air and trying to look unconcerned.  Silence filled the space between them, and, desperate to break it, Lenny turned around and looked at the sheets behind him. 


"This is a real...big bed,"  he noticed, patting the mattress.




He regarded the tulip-spattered sheets and bright yellow quilt, which were so unlike her - unlike the two of them - that he felt clearly awkward calling it his own.  "The sheets are pretty soft - and yellow..."


Laverne frowned.  "You like 'em?  I got the whole set on sale at Bardwell’s.  Last thing I got with my employee discount and it was in the bargain bin." 


"Oh -well, it still looks good," Lenny said, his tone careless.


Laverne gave a nervous chuckle.  "Len, you're actin' like you've never shared a bed with a girl before."  He gave her a miserable look of admission.  "Okay, you never shared a bed with a girl before.  I knew that..."


"You ever shared a bed with a guy?"


Laverne tried to erect a wall of blasé between them.  "Sure!"


"I don't mean motel beds, Vernie - I mean a whole bedroom that you share with just one person."


Laverne nibbled her lower lip.  "Besides David?"


"That only lasted two hours."


She smiled ruefully.  "Good point.  No.  I never shared a bed with a guy, Len.  Not before you."


He was obviously thrilled by that fact.  "Are you nervous?"




"Me neither - I mean, it's not like we ain't been together before like this..."








They looked to each other for some sort of signal - something to tell them it'd be okay for them to share an unmarried bed.  Stealthily, without permission or discussion, all of their old childhood guilt began to rise, like angels out of tombs.  Laverne shot to her feet. "Wanna help me take that bath?"


"Oh yeah!" Lenny said, jumping off of the bed and following her into the bathroom.  Somehow, fooling around in the tub didn't seem quite so apt to provoke furious anger from on high...





"No, no, no, no!"


Freshly washed and pampered, the twosome hovered over the want ads at a table in the middle of the bustling Cowboy Bills franchise.  All was idyllic - except for Laverne's strong headedness.  Lenny gave her an exasperated look, then marked a big red x through each item he had shown her.  "Well, where else're you gonna go work?"


"Anywhere but at a meat packing plant!"


"But they let you bring home whole sides of beef!"


"I'm not gonna go because I already tried there," she sighed, tracing the rim of her bottle of Shotz.  "I wasn't strong enough to carry the whole side and it...fell on me."  He broke into a full-blown laugh and she smacked him lightly on the arm.  "You don't gotta be mean about it!"


Lenny grumbled, rubbing his arm with one hand and skipping down the page with his free index finger.  "You're running out of choices, Vernie, and this ain't no time to be picky."


"I know, I know - we'll find something..." She bent over the paper, scanning each item and quietly rejecting them in summary fashion.  At that point, her father arrived with a tray.


Laverne straightened up like a military school cadet, trying to seem like the proper young woman she knew she wasn't.  Her Pop regarded her with open affection and undisguised hope; once again she regretted not telling him immediately about her relationship with Lenny.  They had been dating for only two weeks when an eggnog-lubricated Squiggy had blurted out the truth to Frank during a Christmas party at Cowboy Bills - and, after four weeks of silence, threatening glares, and crushed beercans, her father began rhapsodizing about children and pressuring Lenny to marry his muffin.  Lenny had responded by launching into an immediate anxiety attack whenever the subject was brought up - and they often got so bad that he tried to avoid Frank entirely.  Once, Squiggy found him at four in the morning, curled up underneath a sink in the men's room, hyperventilating.  Frank hadn't been dissuaded by Lenny's reaction - as evidenced by the extra-large pizza he placed over the want ads between them.  Lenny frowned, reaching for his wallet, already mentally trying to count the cost. 


"Hey, don't worry about it - the two of you've gotta stay strong and healthy, eh?" He clapped Lenny hard on the shoulder - and Lenny, wide-eyed but willfully ignorant, began to divide up the pizza, selecting a large slice for himself.  "No future son-in-law of mine's gonna starve." Lenny promptly choked on his slice, earning himself another blow on the back from Frank to dislodge the pizza.


"Pop..." Laverne's tone held nothing but warning. 


"Hey, you ain't gettin' any younger, and Lenny -" He eyed the boy as he folded his slice of pizza in half and flicked it backward into his mouth.  "-is the best you're gonna do at this point."


"Hey!" Lenny said, or tried to say, his mouth stuffed with pizza.  But he was clearly outraged on Laverne's behalf, and that was satisfying.


Laverne glared at her father.  "I wish people'd stop dismissing him like that.  You don't know what Lenny's got to offer the world."


"Yeah, well, he better start showin' it.  The two've you are almost thirty.  I wanna be young enough to enjoy my grandbabies..." Frank went off, muttering to himself.


Laverne sighed audibly.  "I wish he'd give up the grandbaby stuff."


A stricken look crossed Lenny's face.  "You don't want kids?"


"Of course I do!  But not just 'cause he wants some grandbabies.  And not right now!"


He seemed relieved.  "Okay.  I'm not ready, either," he laughed, trying to rid himself of tension.  "We're too young to spend a good Friday night wiping someone's butt."


On cue, into the restaurant burst Andrew Squiggman.  "Hello!" He said, and with flourish dumped a cardboard box at Lenny's feet.


"What's this stuff?" Lenny asked, kicking the box with the toe of his motorcycle boot.


"This 'stuff', ex-roomie of mine, is your girlie magazines."


Lenny's face contorted in discomfort, and Laverne hid her amusement.  "Lenny don't need those anymore, Squig.  He's got me."


"Laverne, my dear, dumb bunny, there are times a man feels a certain manly urge and no woman is around.  That's why Bettie Page makes more dough than I do."


She eyed her boyfriend.  "Bettie Page?"


"Whatt're you talkin' about, Squig?  The Bettie Page ones are yours - the Playboys are -"  Lenny's jaw dropped open, and his pale face swiveled toward Laverne.  "I read 'em for the articles."


"I believe that..." Laverne indulged, giggling.  "It's okay, Len.  You can look at other girls." Menace entered her voice. "Just don't touch 'em.  Ever."




"Eh, keep 'em, take 'em,  I don't care," Squiggy cut in, trying to draw attention back to himself.  "You might need 'em at your place.  Everyone needs a break from the old lady sometimes..."


Unfortunately for Lenny, Frank DeFazio happened to be walking by at that very moment with a trayful of beer for the next table over.  "Your place?" he asked, his steely glare on his daughter.


Wide-eyed, Lenny spun around in his chair, confronting the hulking threat of Frank DeFazio with what could be considered great aplomb - for someone who was suddenly very sweaty.  Unfortunately, his choice of words proved graceless.  "Uh - uh..." he squeaked.


Frank's eyes were on Laverne.  "You ain't livin' in sin with this punk!"


Laverne stuck out her jaw, leaping up from the table.  "Who're you to tell me who I'm gonna live with?  I'm a grown woman!"


"Grown women get married!" he slammed a mug of beer onto the surface of the neighboring table, managing not to spill even a bit of froth while making the maximum amount of noise.  "They don't break their father's heart!"  He slammed another mug onto the table.  "They listen to their elders!"  He dropped a basket of Texas toast on the table, then smiled indulgently at his customers.  "Tara will be around with your dinner in five minutes.  You want something, you ask for me - unlike my daughter over there!"  He then marched over to Laverne's table.  "How're you gonna fix this?" he demanded. 


"There ain't nothing to fix!"


"Nothin' to fix?!  NOTHIN' TO FIX!" Frank's voice rose hairs on the back of his daughter's neck, but she stood firm.  More than she could say for Squiggy, who was already backing away.


"I'm gettin' out of here!" Squiggy blurted.


"You chicken!" Lenny cried.


"Chicken I may be, but my dad always says 'better a chicken than a chicken salad!" With that, Squiggy made a break for the swinging barroom doors.


Laverne whiplashed around, glaring down her father. "Pop, you're yelling!"


"Good, maybe if I yell loud enough, Saint Jude'll here me up in heaven!  Movin' in with a boy you've been dating for four months!"


"Stop it!" Laverne protested.  "There's nothin' sinful about what me and Len're doing - we love each other, and we want to be together..."


"Yeah - knowin' Len, they probably pray before they -” Lenny gave Squiggy one dark-humored glance and he quieted instantly, disappearing through the doors.


"And besides those VERY good reasons, me and Len moved in together 'cause I lost my job, and I can't afford the rent any other way."


Lenny was suddenly on his feet.  "I would never do nothing to hurt Laverne's reputation, Mister DeFazio, honest - I'll sleep on the couch!"


"LEN!" Laverne protested hotly.


Frank's hard features melted a little - he looked right through Lenny to Laverne.  "Why the hell didn't you tell me that - I'd get you some extra work around here..."


She shook her head.  "I can't wait tables for you and look for a new job at the same time."


"Whatt're you saying?"


"I ain't taking your charity, Pop, not anymore."


"It ain't charity if you work for it!"


"It is if you know it's being given to you, instead of earned," she said firmly.


Frank grumbled, staring Lenny down - Lenny had wisely begun to sink low in his seat.  "There's gotta be a way to -" Frank silenced himself, his dark, swarthy face suddenly bursting forth with a grin.  "I got it!  My old war buddy, Buddy Ajax, he's lookin' for a new girl to fill in at his place..."




"He'd give you an interview 'cause you're my daughter, but he wouldn't give you the job.  We may be friends, but he don't play favorites - if you get hired, you earned it!"  Frank's grin was brilliant.


Laverne's interest in self-preservation wavered.  "What's the job?  Stenography?  Line work?"


"Testing.  They make suits for NASA.  I heard his last girl quit 'cause she's pregnant - hope that doesn't mean it's too rough..." Frank suddenly had second thoughts.


"What's the pay?"


"That, I don't know.  But I hear good."


Her green eyes darted to Lenny's hopeful face.  "Go, Vernie - I know you can do it."


Her eyes went bright.  "Okay, Pop.  Gimmie his number."





Laverne tugged at the breast of her blouse, trying to smooth out a deep wrinkle creasing the bright red "L" situated over her heart.  She squeezed her knees together, watching the red vinyl on her go-go boots catch the dim overhead lighting of the laboratory.  She worried suddenly that she had overdressed for the interview - but she hadn't really been subjected to very much of an inspection.  She had taken a physical a week before the interview, and filled out a personnel questionnaire form at the kitchen table with Lenny.  She had been ushered into the well-organized office of Miss Susan Bright, an overweight spinster with bright blond hair and an attractive complexion.  She didn't have a question for Laverne -she reviewed the available information, rubber-stamped her approval, and sent her on to the testing lab.


It had all been perfectly ordinary and boring to Laverne - nothing she hadn't done to prove herself a worthy member of the WACS, minus the rope burns on her thighs.  The last part of her interview was what had her jumpy, excited.  What would they ask of her?  Could she provide it?  The medicinal greens and tans of her surroundings were not promising.


She crinkled the top of her lunch sack - lovingly prepared by Lenny earlier in the morning.  She had smiled to see it sitting on the kitchen counter, with "Tu Laverne, Luv Leny" marked on it with a black Sharpie pen.  He had supported her strongly throughout the interview process, not once complaining about helping her get her medical forms in order.   The only concern which remained was their background checks, but Laverne figured Lenny would pass with flying colors thanks to his Army background.  She nonetheless found it endearing that he remembered how to spell her name, and not his own.  Still, she hadn't looked in on the contents - and the prospect of what they might be made her nervous stomach lurch.


The door opened, admitting a frizzy-haired man slightly shorter than Laverne.  He had thickly knit beetle brows, and eyes that suggested checked violence masked by his perfectly white lab coat and little brass nametag.  Laverne felt apprehensive, but stuck out her hand.  He was busy reading her chart.


"Are you Miss Laverne DeFazio?"


"Yes, I am - hi," she said, offering her hand - he shook it briskly without meeting her gaze.


"Great, great," he placed the clipboard on the steel workbench before them.  "My name is Charles Finster, my friends call me Chuck, and I'm going to be your supervisor for the next two hours.  What we're going to do is run you through a rudimentary set of tasks which are designed to work as an overview what we do here at Ajax Space Company.  First, you'll need to take those boots off."


Laverne grimaced as she placed her lunch sack on the floor, then reached down to unzip her shoes.  "I'm sorry.  I wanted to wear something really nice and impress you..."


"This isn't a single's bar, Miss DeFazio."  Laverne returned her attention to the boots, getting them off and stepping onto the icy floor in her stocking feet.  "All right - step into these gravity boots."


Laverne followed Chuck's pointing finger, to a treadmill-like apparatus.  Two gravity boots sat on the belt of the treadmill, and Laverne strapped herself into them.  When she finished, he then turned the exercise device on, and the belt began to move at a brisk pace.


"Now begin walking."


Laverne did.  The boots were heavy, and not completely comfortable, but eventually she got the hang of it.  To her surprise, she sort of liked the heaviness of the weights.  She turned to Chuck and said smartly, "guess I don't have to go to my aerobics class tomorrow morning."


Chuck sniffed.  "Fraternizing is against company policy."


Laverne turned back to the conveyor belt, marching blandly ahead.  Boredom rapidly set in.  Some adventure this was going to be!


After fifteen minutes of well-paced walking, Chuck turned off the treadmill.  "All right - did you experience any problems walking?"




"Is your heart rate above the normal level you experience while exercising?" Chuck reached out, grabbed her wrist, and timed her pulse.  Laverne was insulted  by his grabby hands but was smart enough not to let on her disgust.  "No," he replied to himself.  "Excellent," he ripped a carbon copy from his clipboard.  "Have these filled out and returned by tomorrow afternoon.  Next, the jet pack room."


Laverne's heart jumped.  "You mean I get to fly around with a jetpack?"


"No, you get to test the level of resistance a pair of gravity boots make when paired with a jet pack," he ushered her into another green-painted room, then handed her a jet pack and pointed to a pair of boots in the corner. 


"My lunch!" she protested, far too late.


"You eat on your time.  Now put on those boots, then this jetpack."  Laverne did so, swaying beneath the weight.  Chuck then flipped a switch on the back of the jetpack - Laverne heard a huge rush of air and felt a force of energy that nearly knocked her over, but managed to keep her footing.  "Now, walk around the room."  Laverne did this - in concentric circles.  Nothing happened.  After twenty minutes of walking, Chuck switched off the jetpack.  "Did you feel, at any time, as if you might leave the ground?"




"Really?  Nothing?"




"Excellent!" Chuck ripped off another carbon copy of a form and pressed it into Laverne's sweaty grip.  "All right, final test - this will take the longest..." He led her into a third room, which proved to be just as plain as its cousins, but painted pink.  At the center of it sat a large water tank, and beside it a space suit.  "Get into this suit and submerge yourself in the water to your waist.  Leave the forms here, please..."  Laverne did as was requested - and though it was a wonderful, amazing thing, to be wearing a spacesuit, it was a far more awkward thing to tread water in one.  Despite her new surroundings, Laverne was enrobed in boredom.  Her legs were beginning to ache, but she treaded water with single-minded determination.  Eventually, her mind turned away from the task at hand - and to Lenny, to what he was doing - and eventually she forgot to make the effort to tread.  When she took a mouthful of saltwater, Chuck asked her to stop.


"Did you feel dizzy?  Lightheaded?  Most importantly - wet?"


"No, no, and no." Laverne felt nothing but the desire to curl up and sleep.   Her hair was soaked thanks to her momentary lapse of consciousness, her legs ached, and she was bored out of her mind.  All of her early enthusiasm had fled - she hadn't counted on the awful repetitiveness of the job, the mind-numbing dullness of it all.


"Wonderful," Chuck then did something completely uncharacteristic of him: he grinned and held out his hand.  "Congratulations, Laverne."


"You mean I passed?" Her voice quavered.


"That's right!  You're a member of the Ajax team!  Just imagine - you'll be doing this five days a week, every day, for the rest of your natural life?  Isn't it exciting?"


Laverne then did something highly uncharacteristic of herself.  She welled up.


"How wonderful!  You're moved!"


Even as her legs throbbed, Laverne managed a smile.  "Yeah.  I'm touched, all right..."





Two hours later, Laverne attempted mediation as Lenny dumped another bucket of ice over her sore feet.  "You wanna go out to celebrate tonight?"


She groaned.


"Okay, we won't go out."  Lenny sat down beside her, rubbing her rock-hard shoulders.  "I'm real proud of you, Vernie.  You did something you ain't never done before."


"A mindless, repetitive task?  Len - I'm the patron saint of mindless, repetitive tasks."


Lenny shrugged.  "I'm still proud.  You're gonna get a huge raise from this.  And benefits!"


She nodded.  "What're we gonna tell my Pop when we're still living together after my first check comes in?"


Lenny gulped.  "I've been thinking about that, Vernie..."


Laverne's nails dug into Lenny's thigh.  "Lenny..."


"I think Squiggy needs me.  This morning, he came to work with his tie buttered.  He was mad, 'cause I took the butter out of the junk drawer and he couldn't find it..."


"Len, Squiggy's a grown human being...I think.  He'll be able to adjust..." She studied his features.  "And I think you know that.  This is about something else."


Lenny gulped.  "Okay.  Remember all that stuff I told you when you tried to move in with David?  About buying tomato slicers?"




"Well, I'm kinda...borrowing the tomato slicer with you, aren't I?"


Laverne shook her head.  "Len, I'm not living with you just to try you out.  I already know what you're like, what we have in common.  We got some promise, maybe a future - something I really didn't have with David.  There ain't anything to test out - we know what we're like - the good stuff and the bad stuff."


"Do you think God's mad at us, 'cause we're living together?"


Laverne stared at her boyfriend.  It was the most perfectly innocent question she'd ever heard in her life.  She leaned back against Lenny, and he stiffened against her touch.  "Remember what I told my Pop, Len?  That I don't think anything we do together is a sin?"


Lenny was incredulous.  "Not even the thing we tried with the hot fudge..."


"NOTHING," she reiterated.  "I really believe that.  Nothing we do together makes me feel dirty - it actually makes me feel a lot clearer than I ever have."


Lenny sighed.  "Phew!  I felt like a huge hippopotamus there for awhile!"


Laverne chuckled, accepting a kiss from him.  Living with Lenny was perfect!  If only she could dispel her anxiety about sharing a bed with him....




Laverne frowned with deep concentration as she tried to arrange two-dozen steel blocks into stacks of eight with her weighted gloves. The conditions were supposed to represent the pressurized conditions of a space shuttle.  Her progress was easy and steady - she feared a little too easily.  If her results were off, even by a hair, she would get another dressing down from Chuck, and after the rocket fuel incident that as the last thing she wanted.


Suddenly, the lunch bell rang. Heaving an irritated sigh, Laverne stripped off her work gloves and pushed away from the counter - at least she'd have her lunch hour to think things over in peace. Tromping down to the break room she was already exhausted, and became near - comatose by the time she passed a open supply room door.  Curiosity made Laverne stop, peer inside, and take note of a space suit suspended within.  For all the time she had spent in the NASA-designed outfits, she hadn't had the least bit of fun.  The temptation to test it out was near-overwhelming.  Laverne checked the corridor; it was rather deserted. She didn't feel the need to resist her strongest impulse - and entered the closet.


The space suit - off-colored and obviously discarded - tempted Laverne to scrawl a scriptive "L" on it's breast with a Sharpie she'd stored in her smock.   And well, since no one seemed to be coming...she pulled on the space suit, just for a lark.


It was a bulky, heavy encumberment; far heavier, it seemed, than the suit she had tried on during the water immersion test.  As she tried to lift her arm, Laverne found the struggle great - as though a thousand padlocks bore her limb down.  Instead of lifting her arm, it fell back against her side uselessly...and then dropped against a hidden button on the side of the suit, which began to beep alarmingly.  Laverne panicked - in all likelihood, this adventure of hers was against the company seccurity agreement - and she tried to figure out which button she had selected by mashing her palm against the control panel.  The suit suddenly became a sentiment force - with a blast of red light, she began to ascend rapidly, the force of the blast both lifting her up and rocking her forward, sending her rear-first out of the supply closet.  Mortified, Laverne tried to turn herself around, but the rocket jets attached to the back of the suit propelled her ever upward, until she collided with the ceiling. 


This can't get any worse, she thought to herself.  Predictably, fate promptly made her a fool, as the small but intimidating from of Chuck walked up the hallway.  She held her breath, hoping against hope he wouldn't get curious about the airy sound of the rocket thrusters.  Since this day most closely resembled her worst nightmare, Chuck stopped, directly under her hovering form.  He put a finger to his chin, pivoting on her heel, then searching around her for disturbances in the experimentation rooms and offices.  When he saw nothing, he sighed to himself and began to walk up the hallway. 


Laverne's form became limp with relief...the sudden change in resistance firing the rocket boosters violently, sending her erratically streaking across the ceiling in loop-de-loops.  She sought to save herself by the only possible means - by grabbing onto a heavy iron pipe, wrapping her arms around it, and shouting Chuck's name.


Her supervisor gave her a double-take that could not have been improved upon even by Lou Costello.  Already, he screamed at her, "DEFAZIO!  WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"


"I was bored," she said mildly, her body shaking with the effort of keeping itself fixed to the pipe.


"Do you know what that is?  You're wearing Experiment 5-XT!  A highly volatile automated prototype space suit that hasn't completed its first round of testing!"


"Why did they put it in a closet?"


"To make our sticky-fingered employees less curious - a CLEAR failure in intelligence on all sides!  How on earth did you get an "L" on that suit?"


Laverne felt the metal pipe begin to bend - her eyes widened.  "I told you, I was bored!  Chuck, you gotta get me down from here!"


"Yes, I do - if anyone else finds out about this, my security clearance will be nullified - and YOU will likely be fired and made ineligible for another government contracted job!"


"Who cares about the contract?  I don't wanna die!"


"You won't die - just try not to float near that air shaft," he pointed toward a plain-looking grated plate on the wall.  "It leads to the central conditioning system - lots of sharp fan blades in there..."  Chuck positioned himself directly beneath Laverne, then pulled as hard as he could, until her feet nearly touched the ground and he could see the control panel on the side of the suit.  Laverne lost her grip on the large pipe and grasped another, thinner copper tube, clinging like a gymnast.  He squinted at the metal slab.  "How did you do this?   The anti-gravity modification has been enacted - it needs to be turned off manually from one of the main control panels."


"So?  Let's go find a main control panel!"


"Well, wouldn't that be a pat solution to our problem!  Unfortunately, all of the control panels are located in Cape Canaveral.  I don't think there's a way I could get you on a bus to Florida without arousing suspicion..."


"You mean I'm gonna have to live on the ceiling?"


"Not necessarily - I'm sure I could find you a nonessential air duct -"


"Are you crazy?!  I've got a family at home!"


"All right, so that's a no to the air duct idea..." Chuck frowned.  "WWCKD?" he muttered.


"Huh?" Laverne struggled to maintain her grip on the pipe.


"What Would Captain Kirk Do?"  she snickered.  "I wouldn't mock a highly evolved future generation, Laverne - Gene Roddenberry is a wonderful teacher for today's society -"


"But Captain Kirk ain't real!"


"I know that, Laverne - I'm not an idiot....and speaking of intelligence, I recall watching this sort of circuitry being installed during a seminar.  All I need is a simple, ordinary screwdriver..." He walked away from Laverne, releasing her feet - and resulting in Laverne being plastered, stomach-down, to the ceiling.


Around a mouthful of tile, Laverne managed to call, "Chuck?  Hurry back."




"I'm tellin' ya, Len - BiBi Bartakamous is the wave of the future!"


Lenny didn't look up from the platter of ribs he was trying to arrange in a chafing dish.  "You think Laverne'll believe I cooked?"


Squiggy snorted.  "You got lard in your ears?  I'm talking to you!"


"I heard what you said - and you're wrong!"


"What're you talkin' about?  I ain't never wrong!"


"Squig, I know you like blondes with big cans, but there's somethin' that's not right about BiBi."


"And what, ol' pal, might that thing be?"


"Her boobs is crooked."




"It's true - her left one's pointin' up, and the right one's pointin' down.   It's spooky!"


"Len, you gotta have a problem with your eyes, 'cause they look good to me!"


"Yeah...from far away.  Just like Dani Carter."


"That ain't fair!  A girl with a wooden leg's not the same as one with a crooked rack!"


"I got you to admit she has a crooked rack."


Squiggy frowned.  "You ain't actin' like yourself, Len.  That she-devil Laverne's got her claws into you - she's turnin' you into someone else!"


"Someone with a spine?" The doorbell rang. "Can you answer that for me?" Lenny asked.


"What's wrong with your legs?"


"Busy" Lenny explained, indicating the mountain of mashed potatoes he was attempting to tame into a serving dish.


Squiggy jerked himself off of the couch, stomping toward the door.  "Lousy women...oughta take back the vo-" he was silenced by the appearance of the knocker, a stern-faced woman in a navy suit.  "Hello," he said meekly.


"Hello.  Do you know a Mister Leonard Kosnowski?"


Squiggy glared, looking over his shoulder.  "I used to."


"I see..." The woman turned to her clipboard.  "Do you know the whereabouts of a Mister Andrew Squiggman?  A Mister Carmine Ragusa?  A Mister Frank DeFazio?  A Miss Edna Babbish?  A Miss Rhonda Lee?"


"Carmine's wearin' a French fry suit, Jay's yellin' at his waitresses, Edna's lookin' over his books, and Rhonda's playing Miss Jo March in the Gordon Dinner Theatre's version of Little Women." 


"What about Andrew Squiggman?  Do you know him?"


"Too well.  You're lookin' at him."


"Excellent.  Can you tell us a little bit about your relationship with Miss Laverne DeFazio?"


That drew Lenny's attention.  "He don't got one!  I do!"


"Yeah, like I'd touch that floozy with a ten-foot pole!"


"I ain't ten feet tall!"  Lenny came around the kitchen and headed through the living room and up the landing.  In his most polite, grown-up tone, he turned to the woman at his door and asked, "can I ask what this is about?"


"I don't know if you can, but you may," said the woman.




"This is some kinda Vulcan mind trick.  I saw it on Star Trek!" Squiggy said. 


The woman gave up.  "I'm Maria Martel, and I'm here in regard to the character reference Miss DeFazio gave on her resume for the Ajax Space Corporation. I'm here to judge her character - to see if she contains the moral fibre necessary to be an employee for the A.S.C.  If you don't mind, I would like to interview the two of you as to Miss DeFazio's character."


Lenny felt sweat begin to bead on his brow.  He hated questions - they made him feel inadequate and stupid.  But it was for Laverne - and he would do anything for her.


"Okay," he made way, drawing Squiggy aside.  "Come on in..."




Laverne lay against the ceiling, feeling for the entire world like a butterfly trapped in a net.  Any little motion might send her rocketing uncontrollably in a new direction, so she chose not to move at all.  It didn't stop her mind from screaming at the utter stupidity that had lead her to this problem.


Why in the world, she lamented, did she follow her worst impulses?  Hadn't she learned from years of experience that following her whims - no matter their inclination - always lead to horribly sticky situations? But then, she chastised, if she hadn't followed her impulses she never would have made love to Lenny.  She wouldn't have the relationship she treasured so.  Still, there had to be a better solution to her never-ending series of travails...


"I've got it," Chuck's voice startled her, but she managed not to move.  He tugged hard on her legs, and she felt him tapping away at the control panel.  "Excelsior!  Just need to flip one little switch..." 


Laverne felt an alarming drop in altitude.  With nothing to brace her, she fell without abatement, until something very hard and lumpy served as her landing pad.  When she regained her sense of self, she pushed herself away from Chuck and his sprawled thighs.


"You're heavier than you look," he noted.


"And you're more useful than you look," she retorted.


They shared a laugh.  "You'd better get that suit into the closet and away," Chuck said. 


"Hey," she smiled.  "Thanks for helping me out of that jam.  You just might become a human being if you try hard enough."


"I'm plenty human," Chuck shrugged.  "I just find other forms of life far more interesting."


Laverne was charmed.  Maybe there lay someone decent under Chuck's prickly skin.  As she stripped off the suit she decided that, nonetheless, she was glad that she wouldn't have to live in the air ducts.




"So, describe Miss DeFazio in one word."


Squiggy pouted thoughtfully.  "Eas-" Lenny's foot came down hard on his.


"Smart," Lenny said flatly.  "Right, Squiggy?"


"Please don't direct the questioning," Maria flipped a page on her clipboard.  "Would you say Miss DeFazio is a resourceful worker?"


"Yep!  One time, she was in this contest with crating, to see how many slips of paper with her phone number she could slip into this shipment of beer Shotz was sendin' to the navy.  Forty guys got ink poisoning, but they all called her the next day," Squiggy said.


"That's not what she was lookin' for!  One time, the conveyer belt in her section of bottling got jammed.  So Laverne got underneath the machine n' fixed it with a hairpin and a piece of gum."


"Interesting..." the pen scribbled away.  "Is she honest?"


"No!"  Squiggy called out.  "Whenever I ask her if she thinks I'm handsome, she says I would be if we lived in a house of mirrors!" Squiggy shook his head.  "I know her heart burns with lust for Andrew Squiggman.  That's why she's leadin' on my poor dumb pal Len - to get close to me."


Lenny's glare was stony.  "Yeah, she is.  Sometimes, it takes her a little while to get to the truth if she's afraid she'd hurting someone, but she gets there soon," Lenny insisted.


"I either of you know if she happens to practice good hygiene?"


Squiggy opened his mouth, but Lenny shut it with a withering look.  "She takes a bath every day."


"All right - what of you?  Have you ever voted communist?"


"Nah," Squiggy shrugged.  "I wrote in a vote for Howdy Doody once, but that's cause Len was votin' for Nixon and I didn't want to cancel him out."


"It didn't work, too."


"Well, that's cause you had to go and change your mind and vote for Kennedy, 'cause Laverne was too!"


"That's not why I voted for Kennedy! I voted for him 'cause he likes unions!"


"Gentlemen," said their questioner.  "Which one of you is cohabitating with the employee?"


"That'd be stretch," Squiggy said, hiking a thumb in Lenny's direction. 


"I would like to question Laverne's roommate alone, if you don't mind."


Squiggy shot up on the couch.  "This is an outrage!  I ain't done speakin' my mind about Laverne yet!  D'you people know that she wears a mud mask?  And she only flossed her teeth on Sundays?"


"Squig," Lenny said, standing up and leading his friend toward the door, "why don't ya give BiBi a call?  Maybe she'd be interested in goin' over to your place and having a fondue party with you and Rhonda."


"You think she likes cheese?"


"Lord knows you have enough of it," Lenny snorted.  "'Sides, she could use something to make her bones hard - maybe it'd make her headlights straight."


"You're a wise man, Leonard Kosnowski.  Wise, and completely whipped."


Lenny lead Squiggy out the door and closed it.  "Sorry about him - he's the greatest guy I ever knew, but sometimes he goes a little far."


"That's quite all right," she flipped the document over.  "Mister Kosnowski, is your living situation with Miss DeFazio strictly platonic?"


"Me and Laverne are dating."


"Yes, but do you share a bedroom?"


Lenny's eyes widened.  He was suddenly very suspicious.  "Did Frank send you here?"


"No, Frank did not send me here," she said crisply.  "Mister Kosnowski, the aeronautical industry is a very family-friendly industry.  You young people think you can switch around company standards simply because you're in the middle of up heaving years of societal norms, but Mister Ajax still believes in keeping a wholesome workforce.  And I'm afraid an unmarried couple cohabitating just doesn't fit into company image."


God had an odd sense of mercy.  At that moment, Frank DeFazio interrupted the interview, entering the apartment unannounced. 


"Mister DeFazio!" Lenny said, his voice overly cheerful.  "Look, Maria, it's Laverne's dad!"


"Who's this?  You already steppin' out on my daughter?"


Lenny's face turned chalky.  "MISTER DE FAZIO!  This is someone Laverne works with.  She's here to test out her character thing?"


Frank's face snapped into a mask of professionalism.  "Hello," he said, wearing an awkward smile. 


"Yes, hello.  Do you know if your daughter and this man are cohabitating platonically?"


Frank looked from Lenny's death-mask expression to the woman's indifferent face.  "My little girl's a good Catholic woman.  She goes to church every day.  You're askin' me if she'd live with this goof?"




"She is." Lenny nearly fainted dead away, but Frank quickly said, "they're livin' together, but they ain't sharing a bed."


"So they're not sharing a bedroom?"


"That I wouldn't know.  But I know my daughter...and I know Lenny, here.  He's a good boy.  He wouldn't do nothin' to my daughter.  They're both good, honest, decent people - and they deserve each other."


"Do you corroborate Mister DeFazio's stance?"


Lenny nodded.


"Excellent," Maria finally smiled.  "I believe I've seen enough here.  The two of you have presented a portrait of a woman who has an excellent moral character.  I believe Mister Ajax will be delighted to read my report."


Lenny's body went weak with relief.  "It don't matter that we ain't married?"


"It certainly won't.  You both seem to be simply delightful, highly moral people in the early stages of romantic attachment.  I'm sure your living situation is explicable by other means."


"Don't worry about it - they're only living together 'cause my daughter couldn't afford it any other way.  When she gets her check, he'll move out," Frank's paw slapped down on Lenny's shoulder.  "Ain't that right, Kosnowski?"


Lenny's eyes darted frantically, but he managed a somewhat convincing, "yeah, yeah!  Thank you, ma'am."


"Let me see you out," Frank said.  "I wanna show you some baby pictures of Laverne I got in my wallet..."


"You don't need to..."


Frank already had her by the arm, leading her away.  "Here she is at five - look at that Girl Scout uniform!  Wasn't she a cutie?"


Lenny almost cried, he felt so relieved.  He forced himself to return to the kitchen, and began slicing up some tomatoes for a salad.


Frank re-entered the apartment, loaded for bear.  "I hope you know I lied for Laverne - not you.  Capice?"  Lenny kept his eyes on the tomatoes.  "Hey, I'm talkin' to you..."


Fear made Lenny's stomach an icy lake.  He wondered if a cooked pork rib might be as good for a black eye as a steak.  He opened a container of green beans and began to place them in a chafing dish.  There was so much food - he doubted he and Laverne might be able to eat it all...


He looked up.  "Did you eat yet?"


"EAT YET?" Frank bellowed. 


"Yeah - are you hungry, or should I give what's left to Squig's pet mouse?"


Frank's mustache twitched.  The aroma of the ribs seemed oddly familiar, but pleasant - the mashed potatoes were thick and fluffy. 


"You're cuttin' the tomatoes all wrong," he picked up a sharp knife and began to slice.  "Get out the lettuce and a bottle of wine - I'll show you how to get together a vinaigrette..." Lenny returned to the counter with two bottles.  "I said one."


"One's for the vinaigrette," Lenny popped the cork from the other bottle with his bare hands.  "And one's for us."




Laverne returned home to the scent of beef ribs and the sound of two drunken voices singing "Il Traviato in bad Italian accents."  You could have knocked her over with a feather when she realized it was her father and her lover at the dining room table, eating and drinking merrily.


"D'you save any for me?" She asked.


"Hey Laverne - hey, Mister DeFazio!  It's Laverne!" Lenny slurred.


Frank grinned at his daughter.  "Hey, Muffin - you want some chianti?" He held the bottle out to her.


Laverne peered into it.  "I would've - but it's empty."


"Aww - d'you give it all to Dave?"


"Must've.  Pink elephants don't hold their liquor good."


Laverne headed over to the counter, searching through a cabinet and then pouring a kettleful of water.  "Why don't we have some coffee, and I'll tell you about my day."  And she did, sparing them no details as the boys gradually sobered up. 


"Gee, maybe we should invite Chuck over for some ribs," Lenny suggested.


"Yeah, I'm sure Pop'll spring for them."


"Whaddya mean your Pop?  I made dinner!"


Frank frowned, "I knew that sauce tasted familiar!"


Laverne sighed.  "Either way, I'm not gonna quit.  The pay's not bad, and I think I may've found a friend."


Frank's smile failed. "But you ain't all the way happy?"


"No.  But happiness comes and goes - I'll get happier as I get to know the work."


Frank abruptly fell into a rage.  "No daughter of mine's gonna make herself miserable!" He glared at Lenny. "You! This is your fault! You should be supporting her!"


Lenny stopped shrinking beneath the whip of Frank's voice. "No I shouldn't."




Lenny's voice came out, clear and strong.  "No, I shouldn't. Laverne don't want to be taken care of! She told me that she's no housewife and she never wanted to be - and you know what? I don't want one, neither! If we get married, it's gonna be OUR marriage - OUR house, OUR chores, OUR kids. I ain't gonna stick the only woman I ever loved in a cage and tell her what's right for her - which is more than you ever did!"


Laverne was wide eyed - she tried to rise to her still-swollen feet but could not manage it. "He don't mean that - he...Pop, why the hell're you laughing?"


And Frank was indeed laughing, his arm slung around Lenny's shoulder. "Finally! Finally, I got some piss and vinager out of you!"


"Huh?" Lenny replied, his eyes not leaving Frank's squeezing hand.


"Lenny, Laverne ain't ever dated a guy who could stand up to me before. 'Cept for that Fonzarelli kid," Frank's jaw set itself grimly before unlocking. "I want the guy Laverne marries to be just as bright and strong as she is, but able to stand up for her no matter what. Even to me. I wasn't seein' that fire in you, but I was hopin' it was in there somewhere - and here it is!"


Laverne's shoulders relaxed. "You mean you're okay with us living together?"


Frank glowered. "I don't approve, but I can put up with it for awhile.  It's only till she gets paid, after all!" 


The two lovers shared a guilty look.  " gotta know - Lenny's not moving out at the end of the month.  He and me are movin' in together permanently."  Lenny began to sink underneath the strong pressure of Frank's hand.  "Pop!  Stop hurting him!  I love Lenny - I love him a lot.  But we're not ready to get married yet.  Marriage means a lifetime to me, and I'm just not ready to risk my whole life.  We've only been together for a few months."


Frank looked at Lenny as he might a slimy snake.  "You ain't gonna marry this guy, but you're wastin' time on him?"


"I ain't wasting time on Lenny!  Who knows if we're going to get married or not, Pop - I could get run over by a bus tomorrow!  We take each day as it comes.  My point is that when I get married, I want it to be forever.  I know this ain't your generation's idea of taking it slow, but for our generation it is.  Now, please - let go of my boyfriend."


Frank's fingers gradually unclamped themselves.  "I ain't exactly happy about this.  But if it's what makes you happy, I'll tolerate it."


"We'll settle for that," said Laverne gratefully.


"Yeah...settle....thank you...sir..." Lenny babbled.


"Sir? What's this sir stuff? You call me Frank from now on!" He clapped Lenny hard on the shoulder. "What you say to that?"


Lenny smiled waveringly. "I love you, Frank!"


Frank then withstood an infamously hard Kosnowsi bear hug; just the first step in a million toward acceptance and tolerance.






"Keep your eyes closed, Len."


Lenny squeezed them shut, marching carefully ahead.  His toe stubbed against his box of and grunted. 


"Uh - uh - eyes shut."


"Vernie, I feel silly..."


"Silier than usual?"  He heard a suspicious rustling, then the sound of springs.  "Open up."


He did - a rapacious grin spreading across his face at the sight before him.  On the bed - THEIR bed, a brand-new Spanish-style wrought-iron bed - sat Laverne, in a black, lacy negligee.  Their guitars were mounted directly behind the bed frame, horizontally and at loggerhead.  The sheets and blankets were new, too - a lovely shade of blue.  "You like?" She kicked her heels girlishly.


His voice came out thickly.  "You or the bed?"


"Both," she grinned.  "I didn't think it was fair for you to be sleepin' on Shirl's bed.  We both deserve to have a real place of our own to start our lives together with."


He sat down on the bed beside her.  "I love you, Vernie."


"I love you, too," she replied, kissing him gently.  His hand drifted around the middle of her back.  She gently pulled away.  "Almost forgot my other surprise!"  She bent over the bed, giving him an eyeful of her rear end, and then surfaced - she held his black and white portable TV.


"How'd you get that?"


"Squig said that he thought you needed it..."




"Yeah...and Rhonda just got a new color TV."


"Remind me to thank him."  Laverne flicked the dial on the set, and she settled back into his arms. "They're showing the space shuttle launch live on ABC in a minute - the astronauts are supposed to be wearin' the suit I tested!"  But, lying as they were, together and against the pillows, they soon found one another far more interesting than the telecast...


"T-Minus 5-4-3-2-1...Liftoff!  We have liftoff of the Spaceship Athena and America's first trip to Mars!  Gentlemen - do you have anything to say to the people of the United States of America on your successful launch?"


"Yeah - me and the boys were wondering - why are there L's on our suits?"



The End


"Mars Ain't The Kind of Place To Raise Your Kids / In Fact, It's Cold as Hell / And there's no one there to raise them, if you did...."


                                                                -Elton John,



To "I Want To Know"
To "A Bunny's Tail"