Terms of Use/Disclaimer

• This site is in no way affiliated with, or endorsed by, the WWF/WWE/World Wrestling Federation, World Wrestling Entertainment, WCW/World Championship Wrestling, NWA/TNA, or ECW/Extreme Championship Wrestling. Nor is this site affiliated with, or endorsed by, any of the wrestlers found in any of the stories contained on this site. It is NOT an official site. It is simply a fan site created by a fan for other fans to enjoy.

Nor is it acknowledged by Fox Ent, Matt Groening, or any official parties representing Futurama/The Simpsons

Nor Judgemental Films or Mike Judge

Nor any other offical body representing the fandoms on view here.

• All recognizable names are trademarks of the WWFE, WWE, NWA/TNA, or the individual person and no infringement is intended.

• Any song lyrics used in a story are copyrighted to the performing artist/writer (unless otherwise noted) and no infringement is intended.

• Every story on this site is a work of fiction and is in no way meant to reflect on the true nature or sexuality of the wrestlers involved. Any similarity to real life events is strictly coincidental.

• Some stories may have a strong sexual content and are not recommended for persons under the age of 18. Disclaimers are at the top of each story.

• Some stories may contain slash - stories that contain romantic and/or sexual relationships between two or more persons of the same sex and are not recommended for prudes or people without open minds. Disclaimers are at the top of each story.

• Some stories may also contain explicit violence, rape, B&D/S&M, or other highly objectionable material and should be viewed with caution. Disclaimers are at the top of each story.

• All stories on this site are the property of their respective authors. They are posted here with permission and may not be copied or placed on any other site without permission of the author. Please respect their talent, time, and efforts and contact them before posting their work on another site.

• All original graphics and HTML on this domain are property of Creepy Girl Productions unless otherwise noted directly on webpage and may not be used on any other site period. They also may not be used in any graphics collection, CD, etc. without my written permission.

Archival and Distribution Rights:

Archical rights: Automatic archival at the BCE Archive, Nasty-dress.net, and Wrestlefic.com. All others may ask, send a URL, and provide full disclaimers as well as credit me fully. Please inform me if you are going to submit my work to any sort of search engine. Please do not submit my work to a search engine that picks out random sets of words and uses them as key words, such as "Google"

• Please contact me in order for this story to be placed on an archive, or if you want know of a friend who would enjoy my works, please email me their address and I will mail them the stories, expressly for the purpose of link trading. MiSTiers are welcomed! Please do inform me that you'd like to do the MiSTing, however, and send me a copy of the finished product. I'd also love to archive any MiSTings that are made of my work!

•For distribution information regarding all stories that are NOT the propery of Missy (Such as links on the rec archive Twice Cherished Tales, PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE HEADER OF THE FIC IN QUESTION TO THE LETTER!!! We simply link in appreciation to the stories in question, and their stories are the property of the authors to properly distribute.

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• Unless specified otherwise, the WEBMISTRESS does not claim ownership to anything found on this site.

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• To the best of the WEBMISTRESS's knowledge, all content, images, videos, sounds, photos, etc., if any, are being used in compliance with Fair Use Copyright Law 107.

• The WEBMISTRESS does not claim any affliation or connection with the celebrities or any other entity referenced on this site.

• This is a fan-operated site and the WEBMISTRESS is not compensated for any portion of this site in any way.

• This site may contain material inappropriate for some viewers.

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Now that that's settled:

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