Fifth Wheel Pt. 3

"You must be out of your bird!" Davy shouted angrily as Mike turned to leave.

"Nope, you people need to figure out who's roomin' with who before mornin'." Mike replied smugly. "I'm goin' back to bed."

"Oh no you're not, if we gotta stay up and play musical bedrooms, you're playing too." Micky said and blocked the door. Mike stopped and stared at him in disbelief.

"You're not seriously thinkin' I'm gonna give my room up?" He crossed his arms over his chest and frowned at the others. Peter and Lenny both just shrugged.

"I say we go back to the way things were before, just give Lenny the small bedroom." Micky suggested. Mike immediately shook his head in disagreement.

"No way Jose, That's my room, I won it fair and square."

"What's wrong with Davy moving up here?" Peter asked, promptly getting a hurt look from the short Englishman.

"First Micky, now you? Maybe I should go join a leper colony somewhere." Davy complained.

"No man, you still got it all wrong, we dig you, it's just the whole idea of having to change rooms." Micky tried to explain.

"Maybe me movin' in was a bad idea." Lenny sighed. He sat down, put Jeffrey in his lap and began scratching the scaly beast's back and sides.

"No it wasn't Lenny, this has been coming since Mike moved into the small bedroom." Peter said and gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder.

"Oh I get it, make me the bad guy." Mike grumbled. "All I wanted to do was get a little space to myself. No offense to you Micky, so don't even start."

"None taken I guess, after all you're not my idea of a model roommate either." Micky grinned, getting a pillow upside the head for his trouble.

"So we get the idea you and Mike don't want to be roommates anymore, and we know that Lenny and his lizard can't share a room with you, so that just leaves me and Petah." Davy figured. "Since I'm not crazy about having a miniature Godzilla in me room either, I guess that just leaves you, Petah."

"That's fine with me, how about it Lenny?" Peter replied, looking at the taller man.

"Sure, As long as Jeffrey can stay too."

"What do you think Jeffrey? Do you mind being my roommate?" Peter asked the iguana.

The lizard slowly shifted its gaze from Lenny's faded paisley print sleep shirt to Peter's bright orange pajamas and back as if thinking about it.

Peter shrugged and smiled. "I'll take that as a yes."

"Well that's just smashing, I'll help you move your stuff in the morning Petah." Davy cheerfully volunteered.

"Oh no, I'm not moving downstairs, you can just move your stuff up here Davy." Micky interrupted.

"Why do I have to move?" Davy whined.

"Because you're the one who figured out who should be roommates, besides, do you realize how long it took to get all Micky's junk up here in the first place?" Mike pointed out.

Davy sighed loudly. "Fine then, but each and every one of you are going to help me get moved right now, this instant."

"Aw man, can't we do it tomorrow?" Micky grumbled

"Yeah, movin' can wait 'til later man, let's just go to bed." Mike agreed with a yawn.

Davy threw up his hands and stomped out. Peter and Lenny followed him to the downstairs bedroom.

"We'll help you Davy, thanks for being such a good sport." Lenny offered with a smile.

Davy looked up at the two of them, with their identical childlike open expressions and sighed, he'd been acting a fool.

"Thanks a lot Lenny, I really appreciate it man. Sorry I acted like an ass earlier."

Peter blinked at the sudden turn around in Davy, but with a dimple-filled grin, he pulled the other two men close and gave them both an impulsive group hug. Davy coughed and tried to maintain his cool while Lenny just let him finish, giving Peter a quick jab on the arm when it was over.

"I'm just going to grab my pillow and blankets for now, I'll toss yours down to you and we'll move the rest tomorrow okay?" Davy said, fighting back a yawn.

Peter and Lenny nodded in agreement and soon the pad was quiet again; all the residents sleeping soundly, even Jeffrey.

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