"The Dream"

"The Dream"

By:  Sarah

Note:  There are a few lines at the end I borrowed from the television show
pilot of "Xena: Warrior Princess".  No copyright infringement is intended on
that show, nor the one this piece is about, Laverne and Shirley.  Enjoy!


Shirley's eyes fluttered open as a distressed cry caught her ear.  She
glanced at the bed across from her and sighed before sliding out from under
her bedcovers and approaching her best friend.

"Laverne... hey, Laverne.  C'mon, wake up!"  She spoke softly and was
answered by a startled Laverne bolting upright in her bed, scaring Shirley
into stumbling backwards.  A shudder and sigh from Laverne brought her

"Nightmare, again?"  The small brunette inquired, getting a muffled 'yeah' in

Shirley gazed down at her friend and sighed again.  "Want some company?"  She
asked and upon receiving a nod for an answer, she slipped into Laverne's bed,
cradling the blonde head against her chest.

"You wanna tell me about it?"

Laverne considered the question.  Did she?  This dream just wouldn't leave
her, night after night.  No one would understand better than Shirl.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, her body tensing in Shirley's
embrace.  "It's never something during the day.  Just at night, when I close
my eyes, I see... you.  And you're just... gone.  You're lying there in this
coffin, only no one has cleaned you up.  There's blood all over you and a lot
on your face.  You've got a hole in your head."  Her eyes opened in
remembered horror.  "When I lean over to say good-bye, you stab me with a
knife that just comes out of no where.  I fall down a hole or something and I
wake up."   Laverne rubbed her eyes and pulled away.  "That's it."

Shirley pondered that, and looked carefully at her best friend.  "I love you,
Laverne.  You're the best friend I've ever had or will ever have again.  I'd
never hurt you."

Laverne smiled at her.  "I love you, too.  Thank you for always being there
for me."

They gazed at each other, smiling, for a moment, before Shirley lightly
punched Laverne's arm.  "After all... that's what friends do.  They stand by
each other when there's trouble."

Laverne grinned.  "Right... friend."


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