Letters From The Heart
Part 2

By Missy and Old Time Fan

Second Part By: Missy

Lenny knew that another five minutes on the stoop would freeze him solid, but he didn't care. That mailman was bringing Laverne's letter.

He had faith. He knew.

Burrowing into the warmth of his winter jacket, he dredged up memories of her to keep him warm. As always, they did the trick.

Of course, he now had memories far sweeter to recall. He couldn't get that night two weeks before out of his head; the simple act of turning around in his own bed brought what they had done to vivid detail in his mind. He could almost taste her on his lips, still feel her beneath his hands.

Shifting against the cold cement steps, he gave thanks to the icy day.

He had worried, admittedly, when her letter hadn't arrived in two days. That was silly, he reasoned with himself; she needed time to settle in and see the sights. Today, Saturday, marked her first full week in Italy.

If he didn't get a letter today, he really world panic. Besides, he was running out of room on his wall to make little red x's at the end of each day.

"Lenny, you're going to catch your death.." Shirley announced as she stepped onto the stoop, but her speech was cut off as their poor mailman trudged through the ice.

Lenny leapt to his feet, eagerly awaiting his approach. A kind smile and a fat envelope awaited him, and it took all of his restraint to keep from kissing poor Mr. Rossini on his balding head. He left Shirley (who was in the process of inviting Mr. Rossini inside for some soup) on the stoop without another word.

Tearing up to his apartment, he found it thankfully empty and locked the door. Lenny understood that Laverne probably didn't want anyone knowing about them just yet; hiding everything from Squiggy was the hardest thing he'd ever had to do; they'd never kept secrets from each other. Somehow, Shirley was going to find out, and he just hoped that he wouldn't be the one to tell her.

But all of that danger was worth it, for Laverne. The only woman who meant anything to him.

He dug into her letter with relish, by turns blushing, laughing and sighing. Gladness swept over him as every word struck meaning in his mind. Studying Shirley's old dictionaries had come in handy. He actually cuddled the paper to his chest, inhaling the scent of her perfume, which had been dotted lightly over the entire surface of the letter. Everything about it whispered of class and elegance. She made his heart thump so violently that he had to take a deep breath before searching out some paper and pencil.

Predictably, he didn't find anything where it should be. Some plain paper lay under a pile of old comic books and a pencil, sharpened to a heavy point to ward off unfriendly cockroaches, lay under Squiggy's pillow. Brushing the table clean, he settled down, straddled his chair, and began to write.


Boy, was I glad to hear from you today! I was kinda scared, not hearing from you for so long!

Italy sounds so pretty (can't be as pretty as you, tho). You guys're lucky; gettin' summer. It's so cold here Mrs. Babbish got stuck to her radiator this morning! Your pop had to come pull her off of it.

He paused, wondering if those details would disturb her.

You're real lucky, having all of that family. Reading what you said makes me think (I know, you don't want me to think) about there being more Kosnowskis out there.

It ain't that I don't love my Dad, or Anya. I love 'em as much as I can, seein' as we don't spend a lot of time together, but...

He paused, fighting back tears; his trembling hand left a light mark on the paper, which he erased.

I guess you know what I'm saying.

So, I spent all week working. I kinda had to, so I could make up the money Squiggy lost cause he got hurt (He's doing better, by the way. He has this real neat scar all over the top of his foot. He keeps telling me that he wishes they gave him stitches.). But I also kinda wanted to, cause there ain't much to do around here since you ain't around.

I ran two shipments up to Green Bay and one down to the Dells. Just got back from the docks; did you ever see how much beer navy guys drink? (all the guys on the U.S.S Patton say 'hi'. I don't think they meant something by it, but I was all ready to defend your honor if they said something). My back hurts a little, but don't get worried.

Anyway, I guess it sounds kinda silly, but thought about you all day when I was at the Dells. They have the prettiest lake, and it was green, and I thought that your eyes are the same color.

The guy who runs the place said they got an algee problem. But it looked real pretty, anyway!

Anyway, back to Squig; he keeps trying to drag me out on double dates, like we used to do all of the time. I keep telling him that I don't wanna, and to keep from having to I drag him down to see Shirl.

Weird ya mentioned Shirl; she's been pretty sad now that Carmine's all tangled up in Lucille's arms. I know she don't like me, and she really don't like Squig, but we hung out this week more than we ever did before. And ya know we had a pretty good time? We went bowling, but that didn't last too long, cause Squig started making the ol' moves on Marie from Grains (You know Marie; the girl with legs all the way to Sunday?)

He wondered if he should erase that, but decided that Laverne would have faith in him. Besides, she was probably taking her fair share of glances at those Italian boys. Especially from those little hints she'd left behind about commitment and not pressuring her.

And then Carmine walked in with Lucille. Boy, the fur was flying...it was almost as fun as watching Rosie and you going at it...course, I know you can take Rosie. Shirl ain't got the arm strength, but I wouldn't wanna fight someone that mad!

Yesterday, we all went to the movies...well, Shirl went to see that new Sandra Dee picture, and I kinda left Squig in there with her and saw The Aztec Women vs The Chainsaw Mummy. She never saw I was gone. She was wiping her face on Squig's jacket, and he didn't look like he minded too much. And he asked her if she wanted to go to Vinny's Pool Hall tomorrow night.

That'd be weird, eh? Shirl ending up with Squig, and you ending up with me?

Panic slipped through him

Not that ya wanna end up with me; I ain't gonna say you should be with me or something...No strings, no tags, right? No tying you down and stuff, I swore that... Any thoughts of erasing his words ended; it would tear a big hole in the paper.

I don't like erasers either. Nope, nope! Don't pay attention to that.

It's just...I like you, Vernie. I really like you. I like EVERYTHING about you. I fed a bunch of ducks in the park and I kept seeing you right there with me, feeding them too. So I guess we're even, if I'm in Italy, too.

I get what you said. I feel all funny when I think of you. I had you in my head on the steps and...

He shook his head; gentlemen DON'T tell girls how excited they make them right out loud, especially in letters,

Yeah, I keep remembering that one time, too. Plus every other time, like watching movies on the couch, or even going shopping...it ain't as much fun when Squig pulls me around in the cart.

I guess I'm trying to tell you I miss you, too. I just know I don't want to see another girl, not even look at her (Shirl don't count). I know you don't know what we're doing, and I don't know where we're gonna go with this, but I don't want it to stop, ever. Sometimes I don't think I let you know how much I really l-

He cut himself off

Like you. I can't see living when you're not around.

He blotted away a tear, which had fallen between the words 'life' and 'you'.

I'm getting all sappy, so I better let you go. Your turn now!

Your Friend(?)

Maybe it was God that put two stamps in the front pocket of his jeans. Jumping back into his coat, he folded up the letter (carefully, like his father taught him), he stuffed it into an envelope, copied down her address, and slapped his own on the return side. Remembering her perfume, he dropped a few pieces of Sen-Sen into the envelope, then sealed it.

His hand on the door, an idea popped into his brain....Rushing over to his wall, which had seven x's on it, he added a big red circle.

Three weeks to go... he thought, then rushed off to mail his missive.

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