Wonderful Tonight
Part One
By Missy

TITLE: Wonderful Tonight
PARTS: One of Undetermined length
RATING: This part, PG-13 (language); All future parts NC-17 (for extreme adult content, explicit sexual content, to be detailed later)
DISTRIBUTION: To Impure Thoughts and Kai only; Lauren, if you want this, you may have it, and I'm pretty sure FG doesn't want it *chuckles*; any other archives are welcome to ask, but disclaimers must be included, my email left intact. send a URL, and provide full disclaimers as well as credit me fully. Please inform me if you are going to submit my work to any sort of search engine. Â Please do not submit my work to a search engine that picks out random sets of words and uses them as key words, such as "Google"
Please contact me in order for this story to be placed on an archive, or if you want know of a friend who would enjoy my works, please email me their address and I will mail them the stories, expressly for the purpose of link trading. MiSTiers are welcomed! Please do inform me that you'd like to do the MiSTing, however, and send me a copy of the finished product. I'd also love to archive any MiSTings that are made of my work!

CATEGORY: Smut; romance; pos. slash
SPOILLER/SUMMARY: A bet leads to a month of enticement for Lenny and Laverne, with some rather intense ramifications.

NOTES:Well, here it is! The first ever full-length smut fic in the history of the fandom. All parts will be heavily disclaimed. Heed each warning before you read each chapter.


May 26th, 1964:

"'An then she threw me out on the street!" Lenny Kosnoski complained, taking a long, deep draft from his bottle of Shotz. He turned his gaze to the flickering lights of downtown Milwaukee as his beer truck hurtled through the Knapp Street intersection, heading for their building..

"Awww, Len," Laverne DeFazio soothingly spoke from her spot beside him, turning the wheel swiftly. He winced as the truck listed to the right, sending them neatly but roughly into the correct lane. She hit the turn signal and they coasted down the street. "She couldn't see what a great guy you are."

He snorted, took another deep draft of the beer, watching silently as fresh concrete overpasses shadowed his blunt, Slavic features. They were almost home. His emotional barometer swung, something compelling him into opening up his mouth. And he did.

"It don't matter. I don't want any of 'em."

Laverne recognized the look in his eyes; that stare, blue-toned.


Puberty had been his undoing, really, an undoing; for every moment since his thirteenth year he could do nothing but display a passion she could not requite.

He was her best guy friend. No way could she vodey-o-do with...

And then her thought process would turn back in on itself. Actively, she'd hated every date of his that she'd ever met. None were smart, or sweet, or good enough for Lenny. Her best guy friend.

She parked the car.

He lunged for her in that split second; with a swift push, she repelled him. Lenny backed off; his body landing firmly against the truck's door. Frantically, he ran his fingers through his slick hair, but the sheen of desire still glowed in his eyes.

"I want ya, Vernie," He looked into her eyes. "I don't want anyone else. Why don't you want me? No one else wants me...." He was blurting out exactly what he meant, words too dangerous for his own good.

"Len, how many times have we been through this?" She snapped, crossing her arms over her chest in an attempt to conceal the most obvious physical result of her own emotions, "Can't ya stop wanting what you can't have?!"

He glowered at her.

"You can't have me, Len," She said, protecting herself desperately, "You know why." His eyes lowered to his own lap, and he looked so ashamed of himself that sympathy rose in her. Damn it, damn herself; she felt as alone as he looked. "Five years." She said suddenly.

"Huh?" He asked the dashboard.

"Five years," She cleared her throat. "In five years, if I ain't with anyone...and you aren't...we can..." She finished in a tiny voice that sounded almost as squeaky as Shirley's, "We can vode-o..."

"Deal." He interrupted her, lunging forward to press another noisy kiss to her mouth before diving out of the passenger side door.

She watched him walk away and into the apartment building with alarm singing through her veins. What in the hell had possessed her to blurt out something like that?! There was no way she could do THAT with Lenny....

She choked out a deep breath, deliberately slowing her pulse down. Five years was a very, very long time. And how many single men were in Milwaukee? A grin plastered itself across Laverne's lips as she left the truck; by May 26th, 1969, she would be married, pregnant and as far away from Knapp Street as her legs could carry her.


May 26th, 1969.

She had been right on one count.

Laverne chewed absently on some rough skin at the side of her forefinger; with a deep sigh letting her hand fall to the brown suede of her bell-bottoms.

Five whole years, and she was still unattached. Worse than that, an unattached virgin whose best friend had beaten her down the aisle. Somewhere, Shirley was lying in Dr. Walter Meeney's bed, happy as a pig in slop.

Laverne pouted to herself. She never got what she wanted.

Oh, she had come close; with Sonny St. Jacques. They had rounded second base and were heading to third when he told her out of nowhere that he had another girlfriend. That cooled things off quickly.

Laverne thanked God that she hadn't gone ahead and fucked Sonny (fucked; she was actually thinking in curse words now. Another thing to thank California for..). She hadn't done anything with him that had been practiced to perfection with scores of Milwaukee boys; things done to save her virginity for Mr. Right.

She frowned again, more deeply; Mr. Right was not forthcoming. Maybe she shouldn't be sitting around, scared to death that Lenny would suddenly remember the terms of their bet.

The other half of her wished deeply that he would. And that scared her.

Loneliness had filled up her time since the departure of her best friend; God, she was lonely for companionship. Squiggy and her actress friend, Rhonda, had done the unthinkable and fallen into an affair; a noisy one, judging from what could be heard through the walls of her living room. Even her father was out there trying the singles scene out.

She shuddered again; no wonder she preferred the sanctity of testing space suits. Just as long as she avoided Chuck...

A knocking sounded at her front door; shaking off the lassitude caused by thinking of her life, Laverne stood and strode to the doorway. "Len?" She asked.

"How'd you know?" He retorted, through the thickness of the door.

"Cause Squig doesn't knock." She pointed out, unlatching the door and letting him in. At first sight, she knew that he had remembered their bet; he has arrived toting a bouquet of daisies.

It was just like him: to bring daisies to the scene of his conquest instead of roses; "What're these for?" She asked.

"You," He said simply, then he handed her the blossoms.

She took a long, deep whiff of the sweet aroma wafting from the flowers, "Lemme put this in water." She watched him settle down on her couch, looking as awkward as she felt within. Laverne carefully selected a vase from a cupboard, then filled it with tap water...every movement was slow and deliberate. Anything to slow down the inevitable.

By the time she returned to the couch and sat stiffly down, leaving an entire cushion between them a good fifteen minutes had passed. Laverne braced herself for the sensation of his body slamming into hers, but Lenny didn't move from his space. He smiled nervously.


"Hi," She echoed.

He took a deep breath, "Five years..." He sighed, "Every day I made a lil' x with a pen when I got up in the morning." He gave her a wide-eyed look, "Ya know I ran out of wall in one year? I'm kinda glad we all moved..." She looked ready to cry, so he stopped talking. "We don't hafta do this, Vernie," He said soothingly.

"Yes we do!" She cried.

"But we..."

"I don't wanna be a virgin anymore, Len," She told the coffee table instead of him. "I can't find anyone who wants to be with me...and I want it to be special. You're the only guy who could MAKE it special..." She gulped at the hungry expression that had overtaken his features, "Maybe we should take this slow, Len. Like.." She stood up, "when we figure everything out..." She didn't know what to say; this was turning into the most embarrassing moment of her life. Even more so than falling over that guy at the Debutante Ball....It was worse, because he was staring up at her with those huge, innocent blue eyes...

"So you wanna go upstairs?" He blurted. So he wasn't as innocent as he seemed.

She took a deep breath, "Yeah." She said. He bit his palm, that gesture of lusty passion that she was all-too familiar with. Lenny bounded up off of the couch, and, with a nervous smile, she stepped carefully up the short flight leading to her bedroom, into completely uncharted territory..

To Be Continued