Too Beautiful To Touch
By Missy
Title: Too Beautiful To Touch
Parts: 1 of 1
Author: Missy
Fandom: Laverne and Shirley
Pairing/Characters: Laverne; Lenny
Rating/Category: G; Romance, character study.
Spoilers: Milwaukee-canon
Summary: She'll never be his. Maybe that's a good thing.
Notes/Warnings: None.
There's a certain look of wonder that appears in his eyes whenever he sees her standing on the stoop, trying to slip into her high heels after a day at the brewery, headed out with a man who isn't and will never be him.
It's not that he doesn't wish she were going out with him, but that she's so beautiful, in such an effortless way. He likes and respects her, lusts for her body and loves her mind.
She's too pure to be touched, his goddess-friend. But when she gives him a smile his day's made in the shade.
The End
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