Silver Earrings
By Missy

SERIES:  Silver Earrings

PART: 1 of 1

RATING:  PG (thematic martial)


DISTRIBUTION: To Myself  so far; any other archives are welcome to ask, but disclaimers must be included, my email left intact. send a URL, and provide full disclaimers as well as credit me fully. Please inform me if you are going to submit my work to any sort of search engine.  Please do not submit my work to a search engine that picks out random sets of words and uses them as key words, such as "Google"


Please contact me in order for this story to be placed on an archive, or if you want know of a friend who would enjoy my works, please email me their address and I will mail them the stories, expressly for the purpose of link trading. MiSTiers are welcomed! Please do inform me that you'd like to do the MiSTing, however, and send me a copy of the finished product. I'd also love to archive any MiSTings that are made of my work!




SPOILLER/SUMMARY: “To have and to hold and to keep – and to sleep.” (Lavenny.  Hippieish)

NOTES:  For Emily



They picked the place on Lombard because it wasn’t crowded.  Masses of people tended to complicate things, make them both nervous.  So they buy coffee and talk about where the next Church of Consciousness meeting is being held.  Wouldn’t do to miss it.


They took the acid test a few years ago – he relived a long, boring past life in Egypt where he created elaborate scarabs and she screamed about flying donkeys.  They stick to pot when the budget allows, but mostly it’s all about gas money and food.  Gotta live lean to get where they’re going.


They’re sleeping in a van, making love on someone borrowed blanket next to a cross-eyed basset hound named Boo.  Then they busk for the cash they need to join the revolution’s next stop.


Dreams of grandeur still occur.  Maybe they’ll change the world.    But for the moment, their gypsy days are good enough.