Not Sorry
By Missy

SERIES: Not Sorry
PART: 1 of 1
RATING: PG (Very Mild Adult thematic material)
DISTRIBUTION: To LW, Kai, Myself and FG so far; any other archives are welcome to ask, but disclaimers must be included, my email left intact. send a URL, and provide full disclaimers as well as credit me fully. Please inform me if you are going to submit my work to any sort of search engine. Please do not submit my work to a search engine that picks out random sets of words and uses them as key words, such as "Google"

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SPOILLER/SUMMARY: Lenny and Squiggy hide out at a diner, giving themselves time to reflect and their wives time to cool down...

NOTES: For Cheshyre, on the occasion of her birthday.


He counted the cracks in the wallet self-consciously. Afraid that someone might notice his lack of wealth and yet unable to bring himself to care, he laid the dollars flat against the counter.

The diner's owner eyed the bills, as if to detect a conceit. These slips of money, at least, were flawless to the eye. He received his sandwich and slunk down against the rough vinyl booth, beside his friend.

Lenny, typically, stared out the window with a gigantic grin. It was enough to get on the nerves of even the most decent gentleman.

"What're you smilin' at, ya dope?"

Lenny's eyes were focused across the restaurant, and Squiggy followed his eyes to a woman at the back of the diner. She dandled a pick-cheeked little girl in a green dress, and both parties' face was lit with a light that started Squiggy.

Then he hardened against the emotion welling inside of him.

"Len, snap out of it! If you get all mushy now, the girls ain't gonna crawl to us on their hands and knees, beggin' for forgiveness."

Lenny sighed.

"You old wimp!"

"Ow! That's my bad knee, Squig!"

"Bad knee, bad shmee. You gotta let a dame you know who's boss!"

"Yeah? Your mommy tell ya that, Squig?"

"This ain't got nothin' to do with my mother!" Squiggy huffed.

"But Squig," Lenny whined. "I like Laverne!!"

"Big deal!"

"I wouldn't'a married her if I didn't like her. Just like you like Francine, right?"

Squiggy stuck out his lower lip, "you gotta get all fruity on me, don't ya?"

"I ain't fruity. I'm lookin' out for my best friend."

"Yer right hand?"

"Squig, that's sick."

"I ain't sick! It was a tape worm, remember?"

Lenny smiled at his best friend. "We gotta get better at this, Squig. It's been five years and we're both nuts."

"We got a life to work at it, Len...a long, long life." He concluded, tone grim.

"Wouldya stop it? Look, here come the girls."

At the sight of Francine, Squiggy grew silent. He suddenly remembered exactly why he loved his wife; she worshipped him. His poor sap of a best friend, however, didn't benefit from similar circumstances.

"Why didn't ya tell me ya had to boil hog snout for two weeks?"

"Laverne, I'm a lover, not a fighter." Squiggy leered at his friend, and Lenny leered right back.

Laverne's eyes crossed. "I don't even get to stay angry with you!"

"It's a gift," Lenny pushed Squiggy toward the center of the booth. He and Laverne sat closely together. Squiggy knew the routine; Lenny and Laverne would make up before dinner. He and Francine, however, would make up over a nice, thick milkshake; thankfully she was already coming around. It was the nature of things, and, it turned out, he sort of liked it.

"Hey," She winked over the table, the memory of gelatinous pig guts becoming a distant memory. "Want some ABC gum?"

The End