Lucifer's Ice Cream
By Missy

SERIES: Lucifer's Ice Cream
PART: 1 of 1
PAIRING(s): Sort of but not really L/L
DISTRIBUTION: To LW, Kai, Myself and FG so far; any other archives are
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SETTING IN TIMELINE: California-era.
SPOILLER/SUMMARY: Laverne wakes up to an unfamiliar world.


"On some of my darkest days, Lucifer's the one who comes and gives me an ice cream"
-Tori Amos


She wakes up in the morning to the sound of a heart beating. The regular thrumming of someone else's life, ripe and full as flesh.

Her chin brushes against the soft cotton of a baseball shirt. Colors come to focus; off-white, blue sleeves. A blurry shoulder, close because something is holding her down...his arms.

She rises a little, looking into his face. His hair isn't slicked back today (tonight?), and it looks lighter, slightly blonder, like burnt caramel. He's snoring; a strange, squeaky sort of noise, appropriate, coming from such a big head.

It's taken this long for reality to slap her in the face; what the hell is she doing, lying on her couch in Lenny Kosnoski's arms?

She forces her way out of his embrace, waking him up. Unfocussed blue eyes straighten themselves, and he sits up around her.

"Okay?" He manages, his tongue thick.

She shrugs, not knowing why she shouldn't be.

"I kinda fell asleep on you. Sorry, I was tired. That ain't a good enough excuse...Uh...I made breakfast." He pointed to the end table, where two bowls of vanilla sat. "It ain't your favorite, but it's all I had left." He picked up a bowl and dipped in the plastic spoon. "You gotta eat, Vernie."

She shook her head.

"You need your strength. Look, I'll eat it..." He dipped the spoon and raised it to his lower lip, allowing the ice cream to wash into his mouth. "See? It's good."

She shrugged, allowing him to feed her. She didn't understand why in the world she was letting him do this, but she allowed it. He didn't stop until the bowl was empty, then placed it on the table.

He scratched his ear, rubbed a lock behind it; signs of his nervous state. "What's going on?" She said.

"Laverne...don't ya remember?" His voice was thick.

She shook her head.

He took a deep breath. "Shirley and Carmine had a date last night."

That didn't seem unusual. "So?" She realized it was morning; sunlight poured in like lemon juice over the kitchen counter.

"Shirley and Carmine went out on a date, baby."

Baby?! Hostility rose in her breast, only to die a final death when he finished the words in a sorrowful voice.

"They went out. They're never coming back."