Leash Laws
By Missy

SERIES:  Leash Laws

PART: 1 of 1

RATING:  PG (Just some kissing)

PAIRING(s): L/L (?)

DISTRIBUTION: To Myself  so far; any other archives are welcome to ask, but disclaimers must be included, my email left intact. send a URL, and provide full disclaimers as well as credit me fully. Please inform me if you are going to submit my work to any sort of search engine.  Please do not submit my work to a search engine that picks out random sets of words and uses them as key words, such as "Google"


Please contact me in order for this story to be placed on an archive, or if you want know of a friend who would enjoy my works, please email me their address and I will mail them the stories, expressly for the purpose of link trading. MiSTiers are welcomed! Please do inform me that you'd like to do the MiSTing, however, and send me a copy of the finished product. I'd also love to archive any MiSTings that are made of my work!

CATEGORY: Fantasy, Romance


SETTING IN TIMELINE:   Part of the unnamed AU universe in which Lenny is a weredog.  Trufax.  Preceded By Monologue for Moonlight (Me) and Not So Lone Wolf (Shotzette)

SPOILLER/SUMMARY: “Don’t beg" (Lenny comes back to Laverne’s place looking for a bit of healing.  She comes up with an ingenious plan that should keep him from roaming around...)

NOTES:  Third in a continuing series shared by myself and Shotzette,


The familiar sound of a paw scratching at her door woke Laverne from a sound sleep.  A few moments of groggy confusion passed, then her heart leapt into her throat.




She rushed into the living room and threw open the door – a whimpering white German Sheppard entered her apartment. 


“Aww, Len…I’m sorry.”


He sat down, the epitome of the wounded, holding out his limp injured paw. 


She examined; it was bloody.  “D’you get into a fight?” 


He whimpered and nudged her hand.   


“Don’t be a baby,” she whispered.  “I’ll get some bandages.”


When she returned he was sitting by the sofa, looking up at her pathetically.  She sat down and took his paw in her lap, then gently bandaged the wound.  Once finished, he waited expectantly for a kiss.


She quickly did as he bade.


“You’re turning into a real animal lover.”


Laverne spun around to see her misty-eyed roommate watching the scene.  “How much of that did you see?”


“Oh, Laverne – you don’t need to hide your love of animals from me.”  Shirley had been too pleased by Laverne’s suggestion that they unofficially take care of the dog when it showed up – like clockwork – whenever an unobstructed full moon appeared.  As long as Laverne was willing to wash the dog – with a hose on the curb – then Shirley submitted gladly to Laverne’s wishes in the matter.  She reached out and scratched the dog behind the ears.  “Besides, Kingy’s a very nice dog…HIS PAW!” she squealed.  “How did the baby hurt his paw?”


“How’m I supposed to know?  You think he talks?” Laverne covered her mouth and widened her eyes, her faux pas only making sense to herself and the dog on the couch.


“This is unacceptable,” Shirley declared.  “Absolutely unacceptable!” she petted the dog.  “We’re gonna adopt him!”




“We’re going to adopt him!”  She turned around and stomped into the bedroom, leaving Laverne alone with Lenny. 


By some miracle, a cloud rolled over the moon, temporarily transforming him back into a human.  Laverne still wasn’t quite to this creepy fact of Lenny’s life.  “Whatt’re we gonna do?” he whispered.


“I dunno, smart guy.” She thought for a moment, then her eyes brightened.  “When’s the first full moon in winter?”


“Uh…December 5th  Why?


“The sun goes down by five in winter – and the offices don’t close until 6!”


He grabbed her shoulders.  “You’re so smart!”


“Nah,” she looked down and smiled.


“Yeah!  You’re a real great friend, Laverne.  Thanks a million!”  He smiled.  “So, you really wanna make me part of the family.”


She shrugged.  “You’re already part of the family, Len.  This is kinda making it more official.”


“Aww, that’s great…” he looked at her nervously.  “Laverne?”



“…this don’t mean we’re really RELATED or nothing, right?”


Laverne smirked.  “Only when it comes to liking each other…” As friends, she forgot to add.


“Yeah?  You like me?”


Laverne frowned.  “I didn’t say that.”


“You did too!” Lenny pouted.


She looked bashfully down at her hands.  “Well…”


He grabbed her and pressed his mouth to her surprised lips.  They hugged, then melted into a gentle, sweet kind of kiss.  And Laverne did the most astonishing thing that night.


For the first time, she kissed him back.