Lazy Summer Morning
By Missy

Title: Lazy Summer Morning
Parts: 1 of 1
Author: Missy AKA rise_your_dead
Fandom: Laverne & Shirley
Pairing/Characters: Laverne/Lenny
Rating/Category: PG-13; character study
Spoilers: AU Postcaon
Summary: Just a lazy Sunday in Laverne’s bedroom…
Notes/Warnings: Is post-smut; contains fugicles

Laverne doesn’t believe in wasting her energy. It’s that it’s too hot to move, so they don’t, and then they end up in this bed ordering Chinese and listening to Art Carney advertising Chevron from the living room.

There’s something fun about not doing anything (but your boyfriend) for a lazy summer afternoon – she’s contradictory about that, happily athletic and totally, lazy.

His body is warm. Her skin glows. Her lungs still ache for air.

At the moment.

Getting well-fucked will do that for you.

“Hey Len, wanna go get some fugcicles?”

At lest he doesn’t correct her on pronunciation.