By Her

Part 3

By Missy

PART: three of four
Author: Missy
RATING: PG-13 overall, for dramatic angst.
PAIRING(s): L/L (what else? *pins 'shipper button to forehead*)

DISTRIBUTION: To LW, Kai, and FG so far; any other archives are welcome to ask (Please Email Me), but disclaimers must be included, my email left intact. send a URL, and provide full disclaimers as well as credit me fully. Please inform me if you are going to submit my work to any sort of search engine. Please do not submit my work to a search engine that picks out random sets of words and uses them as key words, such as "Google"

Please contact me in order for this story to be placed on an archive, or if you want know of a friend who would enjoy my works, please email me their address and I will mail them the stories, expressly for the purpose of link trading. MiSTiers are welcomed! Please do inform me that you'd like to do the MiSTing, however, and send me a copy of the finished product. I'd also love to archive any MiSTings that are made of my work!

DISCLAIMER: Laverne and Shirley, of course, not my property and belongs to its creators.

CANNON/SPOILERS: Late Milwaukee era; post Officer Norman Hughes and Laverne's Bad Girl Period
SPOILLER/SUMMARY: Lenny and Laverne have a secret...
NOTES: Inspired by the Beth Hart song "By Her"; what else screams L/L but the lines "She gives it away, and you're fascinated by her"?


Lenny emerged from Laverne's room an hour later, and was almost immediately accosted by Shirley.

"What's going on?"

"There was a lotta bleedin', they said," Lenny's voice was choked, "We almost lost her. They're gonna keep her under a lotta meds. Said the stress was what's doin' it." He slumped into a chair, "All I wanted was ta love her, Shirl. I messed up."

She wrapped an arm around Lenny's shoulder. Unfortunately, at that very moment in time, Frank DeFazio tore into the hospital waiting room. His eyes turned blood red when they landed on Lenny Kosnoski.

"You!" Shirley opened her mouth to say something more, but Frank heedlessly pressed on, his fingers outstretched to grip Lenny's neck.

"I kin explain, Mr. DeFazio." Frank's snarl cut Lenny off, and he stood, frozen in fear.

"My little girl's in there cause of you, and you don't do her the honor of makin' a decent woman outta her."

"I tried!" Lenny cried out, "I tried, but she said no."

"I'm supposed ta believe you?"

"I swear on my life!" Lenny gasped, "Gawd, I love her.....we're together, we been together fer so long, I swear..."

"And you didn't tell no one?!"

"Yeah!" Lenny stood up, matching toward the door to Laverne's room, "You know why?! Cause we knew Shirl would freak out, an' you would try ta kill me, an' we'd be the laughin' stock a Knapp Street, cause I'm a dope!" He shouted that last word: Dope. It seemed to echo through the room, "I'll tell ya how much of a dope I am, Mr. DeFazio; I took th' Dispatcher's Test yesterday. I took a bunch a overnight deliveries over th' past month, so's I could make a bundle fer the baby! We went all over Milwaukee lookin' for a blue rattle, cause Laverne thought it was gonna be a boy! An' You know why I did it? Why I didn't run away like a coward? I love her! I love her so much I'd dig my own guts out wit a rusty spoon fer her! I love our little boy! And I ain't makin' the same mistake my mom made th' day she got on a bus an' ran off on me." He shoved the door to Laverne's room open, and from a distance Shirley heard, "Come in if ya want. But I ain't leavin'." And, swiftly, he closed the door behind him.

Frank stared at that door for a good minute. Without a word to Shirley, he walked from her and entered the room.

Silence filled the waiting room, and Shirley Feeney, once more, was left out in the cold.

Carmine Ragusa found her curled up in a chair, staring blankly at a Norman Rockwell print which decorated the wall.

"Do you think I have a small mind, Carmine?"

He froze quite still in his place, ""

She frowned at him, as he sat down beside her, "That's not a good answer at all," Her eyes brimmed with tears, "My best friend fell in love with the world's biggest clod, and she didn't even tell me!"

"She didn't tell her own father!" Shirley glared at him.

"And how did you hear all of that, mister?"

"Squig's got a big mouth," He shrugged, "He told me in four minutes at the Pizza Bowl."

"SQUIGGY knew?! He knew and never told me?"

Carmine shrugged, "You don't have big knuckles like me." He cracked them.

"Resorting to violence is wrong, Carmine." She responded.

He shook his head, "I know." The unspoken was: I Did It For You.

She leaned against his weight, and together, they drifted off, "Love is blind, Shirl."

"And very deaf," And the unspoken was, this time But it's not so dumb. Not always.

When Laverne came to consciousness, she would have to speak those words aloud. Her own barriers had nearly brought her best friend to an early death; it was time for those walls to shatter.

The only question was: when?

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