All I Want, Part 3
By Missy

SERIES: All I Want
PART: Three of about four
RATING: PG-13ish (For discussion of mature themes)
PAIRING(s): Lenny/Laverne inference, perhaps, but this is mostly a straightforward SOL Tale.
DISTRIBUTION: To LW, Kai, Myself and FG so far; any other archives are welcome to ask, but disclaimers must be included, my email left intact. send a URL, and provide full disclaimers as well as credit me fully. Please inform me if you are going to submit my work to any sort of search engine. Please do not submit my work to a search engine that picks out random sets of words and uses them as key words, such as "Google"

Please contact me in order for this story to be placed on an archive, or if you want know of a friend who would enjoy my works, please email me their address and I will mail them the stories, expressly for the purpose of link trading. MiSTiers are welcomed! Please do inform me that you'd like to do the MiSTing, however, and send me a copy of the finished product. I'd also love to archive any MiSTings that are made of my work!
SPOILLER/SUMMARY: When Shirley discovers that her family tree branches into the Squiggman's yard, she yearns to prune herself (cutesey, I know ;-) )
NOTES: Inspired by "Who's Pappa"; I thought exploring the idea of Shirley having to come to terms with her prejudices regarding Squiggy, and especially being a member of the "lower class" Squiggman family.


Shirley's arrival at Arnold's was prompt. She claimed a booth quickly; thankfully, Fonzie and his friends were not in attendance on this particular day.

She glanced at her watch; four o'clock. Where was Squiggy?

Al came by the table; offered to get her a burger. She paid for two platters, but by the time they arrived Squiggy was still absent.

Shirley picked at her fries, the level of anger she harbored against Squiggy rising with every bite. By the time he had showed up, to her mortification, she had eaten her entire burger and half of his.

The first thing he said was, "Shirley! Ya ate my burger!"

She frowned at him, "You're very late, Andrew."

"Th' truck needed an oil change," She noticed, suddenly, how dirty he was. He shrugged and sat down across from her, "Eh, half a burger's better than nothin'," He promptly began to eat her leavings, turning Shirley's stomach.

"Let me order you a new one..."

"Nah! This is good," He looked at her, "Oh yeah. Ya look...short."

"Thank you." Shirley snapped. "You're fil.." She started to say something nasty, but changed her sentence in mid-stream, "You look lived-in."

"Thanks." Squiggy responded, smiling briefly.

Silence enveloped them, as Shirley sipped from her milkshake.

"So, I guess all the drunks 'er on yer side of the family."

Shirley stared at Squiggy in disbelief, "Yes, and all of the crooks are on your side of the family."

"Yeah," Squiggy said, "Two petty thieves, one fire starter an' an arrest fer public decentness."

Shirley wanted to die. No, death would take too much time; she wanted to evaporate.

Al arrived at the table suddenly, "Can I get you young lovers some desert?"

Squiggy's face twisted, and before Shirley could intervene Squiggy said, "Whadda we look like? Lesberians er somethin'? She's my cousin!"

"Oh.." said an embaressed Al, "I'm sorry," He said, directly to Shirley.

That didn't escape Squiggy, "What's that supposed ta mean?"

"It means, Andrew," Shirley snapped, "That you're embarrassing me."

"Embarrassin'?! I came here in my best socks!"

Shirley rolled her eyes, "You're filthy! You insulted my family, and you yelled at poor Al! I don't know what's new about that, because you always behave like a filthy pervert!"

Squiggy frowned, rising to his feet, "Shirley Feeney, I thought you was my friend. Then I thought you was my cousin. But now yer nothin' but a mean, snotty jerk...jerkette!" He snapped, "I never wanna see you again!" He tore out of the restaurant.

"FINE!" Shirley shouted. At that word, she realized that the entire restaurant was staring at her.

Staring at her, just as they had stared at Squiggy.

There truly WAS Squiggman blood in her veins; she couldn't resist the truth any longer. As much as it frightened her, she rushed out after him, shouting his name. Trying to, for once, make amends for her words.

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