"BooBooKitty is found"
Scene Three
Shirley goes out into the living room.
There's a knock at the door.
Shirley (leaning against the door)- Who is it?
O.S. Carmine- It's me, AngelFace.
Shirley opens the door and Carmine comes in, holding BooBooKitty.
Shirley- Oh, Carmine! You found BooBooKitty!
Carmine- Why was he in the dumb-waiter?
Shirley- Well... (she looks away) I wanted to see if he was afraid of the dark and I forgot he was in there. (she looks at Carmine and starts to laugh)
The door opens. Laverne comes in waving a shoebox.
Laverne- Look what I found. I left it in the car.
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