We Just Got Here
Part 2

by Katie

We Just Got Here

Part 2

By Katie

In part 1, The gang finds new homes and they move in. The girls mee their new neighbor, Leasel Cunningham, who left her prized poodle, Peaches, with the girls. Shirley went out on a date with Carmine leaving Laverne alone with the dog who happens to hate her guts. She decided to get tough with the dog and ordered it to play dead. Peaches obeyed, but, he wasn't playing. Now Laverne is stuck with dead Peaches.

Laverne: Eww, I'm not touching a dead animal. Where did Shirl pack those oven mitts.

Lenny walks through the door with a deluxe pizza and sees Laverne sitting, shell shocked, on the couch.

Lenny: What's wrong Laverne? You look like you seen a ghost?

Laverne: No, it's worse than that, I think I just made a ghost. *she points to the dog*

Lenny: Huh?....Oh...Blegh!!!

Laverne: I didn't mean to do it!! We just got here and now i'm a dog killer.

Lenny: Don't worry, I'll help you out. We gotta call someone though.
Who do we call?

Laverne: I don't know, I've never had to deal with dead things before.

Squiggy barges in with a really trashy girl with moths in her hair.

Squiggy: Hello! Hey what's with the dead dog in the livingroom?

Laverne: For the last time, It was an accident! I didn't mean to do it!

Squiggy: *gasp* Laverne Marie DeFazio! A dog killuh, I never thought i'd live to hear the day.

Laverne: Don't you have a date...or something?

Lenny: *laughs* Low Blow!

Squiggy: That's just fine by me, C'mon Drucilla, we're obviously not wanted here. Let's go look at my moth book.

Drucilla: Fine by me Squiggles. *giggles*

Shirley and Carmine enter the apartment in an embrace. They quickly stop when they realize they're being watched. They straighten themselves.

Shirley: What's going on around here? Squiggy just passed us in the hall and he was stranger than usual.

Carmine: What you are two up to huh? *smiling*

Lenny: Nothing, we were just about to have some cold pizza.

Shirley: Oh look Laverne, Peaches is playing dead! How cute. *she pets the dog*

Lenny: Yeah, he's real good at it too.

Carmine: Shirl...

Shirley: Not now Carmine, I wanna play with the dog.
Carmine: But Shirl...

Shirley: What's wrong with you all of a sudden? You all look like you've seen a ghost.
You know I think there's something wrong with this dog?

Laverne: Oh really, what makes you say that?

Shirley: Most dogs respond when you pet them. What's wrong with this dog he's....*figures it out and screams*
OH MY GOD! This Dog is dead!

Lenny: As a doornail.

Shirley: What happened? What did you do Laverne?

Carmine: Shirl, take it easy. I'm sure it was an accident. Was it Laverne?

Laverne: Carmine, I can't believe you would ask that? Of course it was an accident.

Shirley: Okay, okay, let's all not panic. We'll sit down and talk about it calmly.

They take deep breaths and sit down.

Shirley: How could you do this Laverne! That woman trusted us with her dog!

Carmine: I'm glad we can discuss this so calmly.

Lenny: Yeah, I was afraid we'd panic.

Carmine: Well i'll be running along now.

Lenny: Yeah, I'm gonna go grab a beer. *puts his hand on Carmine's shoulder* Wanna join me?

Carmine: Len?

Len: Yeah Carmine?

Carmine: Take your hand off my shoulder.

Lenny: Sorry, I forgot the no touching rule.

They start sneaking out the door and Shirley and Laverne catch them.

Girls: Freeze!

Shirley: Just where do you think you're going?

Carmine: To buy a coffin?

Lenny: and a headstone.

They run out the door and leave the girls to deal with the dead animal.

Shirley: That's just great! Now what do we do.

Laverne: I'll call the Humane Society, maybe they can help.

Shirley: That's a good idea.

Laverne looks up the number in the yellow pages and calls. Fifteen minutes later, somebody comes over and picks up the dog. Three hours later, Shirley finishes scrubbing the floor.

Shirley: What are we gonna say to this woman when she comes over to pick up her dog?

Laverne: Don't worry about it Shirl, I'll take care of it. It happened to me, it was my fault.

Shirley: Look, Laverne I'm sorry, I fell to pieces and blamed you.

Laverne: Yeah, you did. Still, I was alone with the dog so I'll take the heat.

Shirley: It's not your fault. Did you purposely stalk it and then strangle it?

Laverne: No, I said play dead and he did.

Shirley: Look, don't worry, we'll both deal with it.

There's a knock on the door and both girls answer it. Leasel is on the other side. She's jumping up and down. She's apparently very excited about something.

Leasel: Oh Girls! You're not going to believe this in a million years!

Shirley: That's funny, we were about to say the same thing to you.

Leasel: Well you go first.

Laverne: No, no, you go first, I bet yours is bigger.

Leasel: Okay, I'm moving to California, I found this great little apartment for me and Peaches, he can have his own room and everything.

Shirley: *whine*

Leasel: What's wrong with Shirley?

Laverne: Leasel, why don't you come in and sit down.

Leasel: Oh I would love to but I need to start packing? Is my dog around?

Shirley: *whines again* Scuse me, I have to lie down.

Laverne: No you don't.

Shirley: No I don't. *plops down on the couch*

Leasel: You two are acting weird. I'm gonna get my dog now. Peaches!!?

Laverne: Leasel, I really have to tell you something.

Leasel: Is it about my dog? I hope he hasn't been too much trouble.

Shirley: Oh no, why would you think that, he's been a perfect little gentleman *she starts to break up*

Laverne: Shirl, why don't you go take a nap.

Shirley: I'm not tired.

Laverne: Yes you are.
Shirley: Yes I am.

She runs into the bedroom leaving Laverne to break the news to Leasel.

Leasel: What's wrong with you two, you're acting really weird, I'd really like to get my dog and leave now.

Laverne: Yeah, about that. You see it's like this, Peaches and I were playing, I told him to play dead and he did.

Leasel: Oh isn't he the smartest dog. That's his best trick.

Laverne: Well he's even better than you think. I don't know how to tell you this. Peaches went on to a better place.

Leasel: New Jersey?

Laverne: Yes! No...no! Leasel, i'm sorry, but Peaches died. We called the Humane society, they sent over a vet to examine him and he said it was a stroke.

Leasel: The dog said it was a stroke? I thought he was dead.

Laverne: No, the vet said it was a stroke.

Leasel: The vet died and said it was stroke. Did the dog examine him?

Shirley, who's been eavesdropping, walks in and yells at Leasel for being so stupid.

Shirley: Oh for Pete's Sake Woman! The vet told us that Peaches died of a stroke!

Leasel: You killed my dog!!!

Laverne: No! You killed your dog, The vet called and told us the cause of death.

Shirley: Laverne, I know you're mad, but you didn't have to blurt it out like that.

Leasel: What is she talking about!

Shirley: The vet said that Peaches heart gave out. We gave him your instructions and he said that
All that exercise was overdoing it and he couldn't take it anymore.

Leasel: That's crazy! I'm calling that vet myself and then I'm getting as far away from you people as possible!

Laverne: See Shirl, I told you, This is what happens when you're too nice and easy going! People step all over you. Good Riddance Lisa!

Leasel: That's Leasel!

Laverne: Whatever!

Laverne slams the door in her face and you can hear her walking back into her apartment and slamming the door. Laverne went to the kitchen to slam things around. Shirley sat on the couch and pouted.

Laverne: Oh c'mon Shirl, cheer up.

Shirley: Laverne, We've only been here two days and look what's happened so far. Maybe we should go back to
Burbank or better yet, move back to Milwaukee.

Laverne: You said the same thing about Burbank. This is one of our better moves, Trust me Shirl, you'll love it here. You trust me don't you?
Shirley: Of course I trust you. I probably just feel sad for that little dog.

Laverne: Yeah, I know, he was kinda cute even though he almost bit me.

Shirley: Okay, let's give it a couple of years, If New York doesn't work out, we'll go back to Milwaukee.

Laverne: There ya go, That's the girl I got thrown out of the Brownies with.

They pinky swear to give New York City a chance to work it's magic on them for two years. The camera pans out and you see their building with kids playing infront and people walking up and down the sidewalk.

The End.

On To "Date With a Manniquin"

Back To The First Part Of "WE Just Got Here"

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