(You Must Be) Crazy
Written by: S. Wilhelmina Feenster
To The Tune: "(You Drive Me) Crazy" by Britney Spears

Squiggy, I'm so sick of you
You wear that tonic, it feels like glue
Lenny, you act like a clown, oh
They only shower for a night on the town
Shirley says to stay away
Laverne and Shirley take bathes everyday
They can't get it through their heads
All they want to do is take the girls to bed


You must be crazy
I don't want you
Laverne and Shirley, can't stand you too
Crazy, please knock on the door
Knocking will not give your hand a nasty sore.

Get out! Laverne tells Squiggy
You boys are acting too silly for me
Shirley, will yell at you too, oh
Get out the door now
Your visit is through.

Throwing them right out the door
If they don't the girls will kick them on the floor


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