Schlemiel Schlimazel
Written by: S. Wilhelmina Feenster

Here's a little story that I know you all will like,
Two bottle cappers breezing through Milwaukee on a bike.
It may all seem quite silly if you don't know these two girls,
One Schlemiel and Schlimazel will get them in a whirl.

730 Knapp Street was their residence for fun,
Everybody knows those episodes were number one.
As they leave for work every morning around ten,
Schlemiel Schlimazel, you'll hear it once again.

Don't you know the reason why those two girls do their jig,
The answer is quite simple and may not seem very big.
Eight times they were fired from Shotz Brewery to boot,
Schlemiel Schlimazel to Mr. Shotz is quite a hoot.
Schlemiel is a fool and Schlimazel means born loser,
Mr. Shotz is all of that cause he's the one and only boozer.

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