A Love Lost
By Emily

Title: A Love Lost
Emily L.

Rating: PG-13 (Angst, character death, romance)

Het/Gen/Bi: Het

Parts: 1/1

Spoilers: None.

Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me, they belong to Paramount. Don’t sue me - I might cry.
Pairing: LDF/LK
I’m keeping my fic on here for now. E-mail me if you have any requests.

Authors Notes: For 2007 Holiday Exchange

Setting: Alternate ending to “Lenny's Crush”
Summary: Laverne doesn't tell Lenny how much she really loves him, and it leads to some realllly sad stuff.



            “I don't hate you, you big dope! I love you!”


            “You do?!”


            “As a friend, though...”



            As she laid in bed trying to sleep, those words played over and over in her mind. Had she been completely tactless in blurting to him that she loved him, but then immediately taking it back?


            No, she reasoned. She wasn't taking anything back by telling him that she only loved him as a friend. If anything, that gave their love a sort of permanence. Deep down, she knew that she loved him more than a friend. And, permanence be damned, she would love him forever. There was something about him that made him so different from anyone she knew. Shirley would say it was the fact that he was so repulsive that made him that way, but Laverne didn't find him disgusting. Sure, when he was in the company of Squiggy, he wasn't exactly the most charming guy on the block, but he understood her. He seemed to know her better than anyone else – even better than she did.


            As tears soaked her face, she imagined the kiss they shared as she handed him the warm army blanket and pillow that fateful night that he fell in love with her. It was unexpected, yet perfect. Two words that completely summed up their whole relationship.


            Well, what had been their relationship. He had tried to forget her with Bridget.


            When he brought her over to Laverne and Shirley's apartment, Laverne initially thought he was just trying to make her jealous. There was no way she was his type. Short, dark-haired, petite... she was more like Squiggy's perfect mate than anything else.


            She wasn't expecting that to be the last time she saw him.


            Bridget had taken him to where she had picked up all of her other boyfriends – in the far-away part of town that was even worse off than where they lived. Where guys who wanted to show off to their girlfriends and  enemies got drunk and drag raced.


             Lenny probably thought it would be a blast, Laverne thought to herself. He was an excellent truck driver and could drink with the best of them. But a tough-talkin', guy got carried away with his ego and was hell bent on winning the race. When he broadsided Lenny's car, he wasn't expecting it to kill him.


             One of Fonzie's friends had been there and knew Lenny, so word got back to the gang pretty fast.


             “It's my fault,” Laverne had sobbed to Shirley. “If I had just told him how I really felt, this would have never happened! If I had just told him I loved him, he would have never gone off with Bridget!”


              But she had missed her chance to tell him. He would never know how much she loved him, and she was now left with only the memories of his lips on hers and all the other tender things they shared. Things that could have gone on much longer had she not lied to everyone, including herself.


             And as his voice played in her mind and the rememberance of his body pressed against hers danced before her eyes, she burrowed deeper under the army blanket that still smelled of him, knowing that she could never possibly love like that again.